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Aelin walked though the town square asking for information on a particular merchant that was giving her a hard time.

So far she had discovered that the fucker lived in a huge mansion that had traps set at every door and window.

She was on her way to talk to a tall man in a bowler hat when a small girl, around eight or nine, stepped in front of her. She wore a pink dress and a bright blue bow in her hair. Hair cut short for convience, she could pass for a boy if it weren't for the absurd dress.

The child met her eyes and said. "You need somebody killed, don't you? I can do that for you, if you can afford it."

"Your a child." She retorted but then she remembered what she had been at that age. If she had been training since she was a babe then by her age she would have be unstoppable.

"I have never failed a killing."

Aelin contemplated for a moment. "Who do you work for?" If this girl worked for that damned assassins guild in Rifthold she would drag her back there herself. If she belonged to any guild for that matter. Celeana had never been declared as dead and was still considered one of the best assassins of all time. She still held her foothold and was still making her mark. The difference was that Celeana did it with the blood of her enemies.

"I work for no one." The girl was ominous and creepy but if she could get the job done...

"How clean?"

"If it pleases you then they may not even know I was there. It could have been a heart attack."

Aelin wanted to know if this girl could really do it. Wanted to know how she would do it. She had a strange desire to see what style she used, if she could pinpoint it to anyone she knew. Any killers that might be held responsible for the internal corruption of this child. "How soon?"

"Could be done tonight. Could be done next week. I could start now and finish in a month. I find that the client preferes to choose how the chosen meets their end." The girl twisted her fingers together, occasionally reaching up to touch her bow as if to see if it were still straight.

"Can you skin him and keep him alive?"

"If it pleases you."

"What if I had you use a dagger but not let a single bead of blood drop."

"Then I would do so."

"Is there anything you can't do?"

The girl sighed. "Continue this conversation if you're not going to use my services."

Aelin thought for a moment. If she killed him now then Celeana would be the first suspect and there was no way that she could take that kind of a blow right now. Expecially since everyone in the palace would know she had done it but if she were to wait a week then this thing would cool off between the two of them and would get her out of their next meeting. Well their next arguing session anyways.

"Next week. On the 27th."

The girls eyes bore into hers. "What of my payment."

"Come to the palace once it's done, so I can be sure I can trust you. Ask for the queen and do not under any circumstances talk to the king on your way through the halls."

The girl nodded. "Who am I killing."

"Davros Bonkin." Aelin told her. He was a total know nothing merchant and had just recently rosen up high enough to bargin with the queen and she was already tired of it.

Aelin made to walk away and had already moved several silent steps when she stopped and asked over her shoulder. "What's your name."

"Dawn." But when Aelin looked over her shoulder, the girl was gone and nowhere to be seen.

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