The Hourglass

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The cage rattled as I walked up the dark staircase to the third floor,  the "attic". It's my fault that I care so much about "Peter". Peter is my one and only friend, he's my white rabbit. When I open the creepy door, there were old boxes full of old junk, plus there was dust everywhere. I put Peter on the floor where I could watch him as I clean out the room. It's been 5 hours since me and my family moved here. I finished cleaning the room the same time the sun was going down, while cleaning I found a little door in my wall. It creeped me out so I put my bed

as far away from it as I could, I did the same with Peters cage, and continued to unpack. sometime that night I went downstairs, I was so scared to leave Peter alone in a new house and all. I went to the kitchen for a snack, I was so busy cleaning the attic. I never came down for dinner. The only one that noticed me missing was Kunia. Mom was probably working not to notice me missing ... never mind she never notices if I'm there or not. Zelo and Ivy never notice if I'm there or not, but Kuina he cares and loves me. I peeked in to see what they were having for dinner, it was so loud all I heard was shouting from Ivy and Zelo. "there always fighting" so decided not to go in.

"I'm sorry Kuina" I whispered sliding away from the door.

I snuck into the kitchen to grab something to eat but I ended coming back to my room with a peanut butter sandwich and carrots for Peter. I went back down to say goodnight to Kunia but this time I took Peter with me. I knocked lightly on the hard dark brown wooden door, I heard movement and then it went silent.

"Kunia it's me Yuki!" I whispered in a small crack in the door

"Why are you up so late? Its 1:26, almost 1:30 in the morning" Kunia asked.

I made my way into to dark dim bed room.

"To tell you the truth I was to scared to even leave my bed to grab Peter from his cage!" I said with a shocked sound in my voice, "All I wanted to say was goodnight and sleep well, plus have fun on your first day of school..."

"Thanks I hope I fit in well with people around here .. I'm kind of scared!" he answered with a shocked look of his face

I could tell he was scared he looked like a deer in the head lights, he had a shaky voice. I know what he is feeling .. to tell you I'm home schooled because I hate people and people hate me I don't know why but I'm not a social person. 

I gasped "My brother scared?, that's a first" 

He looked up at me and we started to laugh.

I slowly walked towards the door, I came to a halt and turned around to see my brother looking at me and he smiled so I giggled and said


I quietly shut the door and ran up the scary staircase when I stopped at my door with my hand on the doorknob ready to turn it, I heard something slam! I thought to myself its nothing I'm hearing stuff. I looked down at Peter, my hand trembled when I turned to knob and pushed the door open to find nothing but my plain room untouched. I felt so scared that night I put Peters cage next to my bed that night because I didn't want to bother Kunia to let us sleep with him. That night was peaceful until I heard a loud crash, when I woke up the next day to find Peters cage on the floor. The first thing that came to mind was

"Were is Peter!" I fell to my knees and felt my eyes start tearing up, tears ran down my cheek's as they fell to the floor.... Peters cage was empty.. with the gate door wide open... 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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