Sleepover!! { Part 2 } [ Tasuku ]

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This is the real story!!!...
Unless... It happens again.....
I am realllllllly x 10 000 sorry.
So, please do enjoy!
( Finished in one day! Good job me! Please don't mind errors I'm just rushing for time... For you peeps!!! )


Hoshi: *sighs*
???: *knocks on the door*
Hoshi: *opens the door* Wait a sec...
Hoshi: What!?! I thought you're not supposed to come, Kai!!!
???/Kai: Sorry, I was asked to. Nevermind that, what are you up to now, Hoshi??
Gao: Are you sure your parents will allow this? Where are they anyway?..
Kai, Mutsuki, Tasuku & Hoshi: ...Ummmmm...
Gao: Sorry! I guess it's something personal...

Umm... Awkward.....

Gao: *shifts beside Tasuku* Why were you guys acting weird..?
Tasuku: *shrugs and looks away* ...
Gao: *heartbroken ( omg Gao... )* *tears ( wat. ) come out of the Sunfighter's eyes )*
Kai: *looks at Gao with a worried face* A-are you okay!?
Hoshi: Gawd, Kai... Come on, he's not a baby! He's the Mighty Sunfighter!! Right Gao!!
Gao: *wipes tears* Thanks, Hoshi.
Gao: Yeah, that's right! I am the Mighty Sunfighter, Gao Mikado!!!
Tetsuya: Yeah!! Go for it, yo!!

Bal: Bal, Bal!!
Tasuku: *notices how close Kai and Hoshi were acting* .....Uh.....
Kai: *notices how much Tasuku was staring at him and Hoshi* Got something to say..?.... T-Tetsuya? Was that your name?..
Tasuku: .....
Hoshi: Now he's done it. It's Tasuku. Tetsuya is banana head over there. *points at Tetsuya*
Tetsuya: Hey, yo!! *shows his hand signs*
Tasuku: .....
Kai: D-did I do something wrong again?
Tasuku: Again?

Tasuku's words were strong and bold. No one dared to utter a word.

Tasuku: What. Did. You. Do. The first time?
Kai: I-ah!
Hoshi: H-he's fi-first was just by c-coming h-here.....
Tasuku: *sighs* I want to know why..... *blushes deep red*
Kai: *whispers* I'm so sorry......!!!
Tasuku: The two of you are so close. *points at Hoshi and Kai*
Kai: Y-you see... *stammers*
Hoshi: His sort of my babysitter...??
Kai: I'm so sorry, I haven't intoduced myself properly yet!
Rouga: When can we start sleeping?? I thought this was a sleepover... *grumbles*
Hoshi: Okay, okay, Rouga. Wait a bit longer.
Kai: Uhmmm... Is it okay-
Hoshi: To continue? YES.
Kai: Okay... I'm Kai Atsuki, 18, Hoshi's babysitter.
Hoshi: 'Babysitter' *uses two fingers from each hand showing '...'*
Rouga: Where do we sleeeeeep???...
Hoshi: Coming, coming. Girls sleep in my room. Five to six guys in the guest room. Hmmm.... Rest sleep in the living room including Kai. Kai, bring them to their respective sleeping venues.

Everyone ( guys ) choose who they want to sleep with.

Hoshi: Only after you assign their sleeping venues. Friends are to be kept away from each other to preserve quietness- umm, I mean... H-harmony?
Kai: Got it?..


So sorry guys I forgot this part ( after a... Week?? )

-Kai Atsuki ( 18 years old )

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