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Jc pov
"Aye Kian lets GO, we gotta be there in 10 minutes and you know the traffics fucking bad out there." I said sighing running my hand through my nappy ass hair, then slipping on my checkered Vans. "Ok Dad, im ready." Kian said in that stupid voice while running out the door to the car. I sigh roll my eyes and run after while closing the door to the house, knowing to jump in the passengers seat as fast as I could but before I ran around to it Kian put his hand out and smirked, "rock paper scissors for it," "are you fucking foreal get your ass in the drivers seat I drove yesterday." I said pushing his hands out the way and closing the door.
"SOULJA BOY OFF IN THIS HOE WATCH ME CRANK IT WATCH ME ROLL," Kian was screaming while driving. "KIAN PAY ATTENTION DUDE." I shouted while someone beeped and Kian stuck up his middle finger and swerved in front of everyone in traffic. "I don't want to get killed, I don't even want to go to this meeting to begin with." I said mumbling and playing with my bracelets, Kian sighed " I don't want to go as much as you fuckin do, our managers are dickheads." This meeting was at a Café to discuss us Cussing in our videos and how we can't anymore if we want to keep on making money. I looked out in the traffic of LA and saw musicians, road rage, food stands, shops, palm trees. And thought about how in a perfect world I would be married to the perfect girl, have a office job, have kids in Texas, and come home every night to a home cooked meal like my Dad used to with my Mom. Would I really want that though? "MOVE FUCK HEAD" BEEEEEEPPPP.
I snapped my neck towards Kian to see him smiling, "we're here with 3 minutes to spare." "Today's going to be long." I said to myself while getting out the car.

"No Jim we can't Fucking do that, it's our god damn BRAND." Kian said angrily pointing at Jim and his partner that
I forgot the name of. "I'll be back," I stood up and tapped Kian he gave me a nod while going back at it with Jim. I wasn't really in a arguing mood but apparently Kian was so ill let him do the work. I stuff my hands in my pockets and take a seat outside while waiting for a waitress.
"Hello what can I get you for today." A sweat voice said making me stop looking at my phone. I then was taken back a little bit because what I saw was stunning. I don't mean to be cliche but her face was round with clear skin, a natural glow fierce eyes with defined brows, red cheeks and she was wearing a tight uniform that hugged her boobs and waist. I've never seen a girl with a body like that in LA they look very skinny but she had thighs and a butt, wow. She had Vans just like mine on and a little rose pin on her shirt next to her name, Zara. She huffed, "are you going to order or stare at my name tag the whole day, your my last table today and I really want to leave." She said then covered her mouth, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be that rude just that I haven't slept in 24 hours, and I don't want to ramble so do you know what you would like?" She said her face turning more red and then rubbing her arms. Confused by all this information I said, "Okay Zara. I want a BLT with fries and a orange juice." I said closing the menu handing it to her with a smirk. "Really? With an orange juice." She said with a smirk. "Yea I'm feeling it." "Ok I'll be back with your food." She said Turning away while swinging her hips, she has attitude I like dat. I pulled out my phone and texted Kian that I met a girl and that he can go with out me.
"Here you are," she put the food down in one swift movement, then took her apron off threw it on the ground pulled the chair out across from me sat down and then said "I hope you don't mind I just quit and I need to do some paperwork and you seem the less creepiest to sit by." Then put her hair up in a bun, realizing I've been staring the whole time I cough "yea sure I don't mind," I ate a fry and took a sip of the juice while watching her write down numbers and pull out bills. She stopped, "what's your name?" She said tilting her head smiling. "Jc Caylen," "I'm Zara, not fond of using my last name unless I have too." Holding her hand out for me to shake, I grabbed it and squeezed it while felling her warmth and how small her was, cute. She giggled then grabbed a fry, while I moved the plate in the middle of us. "What kind of paperwork are you doing and why did you quit," I asked confused. "Well I'm seeing how much tips I made and I quit because I need a better job if I'm going to move out of my parents place, and I'm going to college this was just a starter job." She said looking at me in a weird way. "Wow you look like someone in my dreams." She moves closer to me while drinking my orange juice. "Damn your cute too." She laughs looking away then her expression turning sad. "So tell me more about your self I've got all day." I say smiling trying to lighten the mood, "Well I'm Zara duh, and I was born in Toronto but I moved here at like 10 because of my parents. I'm 22 and I'm going to college for a psychology, and I like to draw." She says while looking up, "you," she smiles. "Well I'm Jc duh," I say mocking her which makes her give me a dirty look. "I was born in Texas but moved here to pursue my job, I'm 24, I love dogs and I'm single." I say winking, "oh please Jc," she says flapping her eyelashes and waving her hand around, then we both start laughing. Ringgggg Ringgggg "ugh sorry I gotta take this." She says standing up Leaning against the wall putting the phone up to her. "What do you want," pause then she goes over by me and holds the phone with her shoulder and starts touching my hair which I like, then stops then paces around the table a little bit, "tomorrow are you fucking shitting me," she says sighing. Then cleans up the table and takes a bite of the sandwich, "ok ok I'll be out but I'm taking the money with me he does not deserve that shit. Whatever I'll be done with you guys." She looks at me with a sigh then smiles, I smile back because she's too cute not too. "Okay bye." She says sternly hangs up the phone slides it into her pocket sighs wipes her forehead dragging it down to her cheeks and rubs her hand on her her shirt. "What happened," I said hesitant. She sits down right next to me, she starts to laugh a little then grabs my hands and starts to play with them, this makes me smile. "Well my parents are freaking cunts," she yells and throws her hands in the air but grabs mine worried that I'll be sad. "We've been fighting ever since I made my decisions which has been forever because I'm a Capricorn and I like to take charge, what's your zodiac sign," she then laughs shakes her head looks at me which melts my heart a tiny bit, "can't you tell I have ADD, any ways they want me out by tomorrow but guess fucking what I have no place to stay m, isn't that grrrreeeaat!" She then wipes her eyes and then sings, "don't cry, don't cryyyyy". Slaps her hands on her thighs, looks me dead in the eyes and says "my life's falling apart." Then smiles weakly.

-This is my first fan fiction and I'll probably be updating 3 time a weak or more but yea:)) my instagrams: @natalipanariti spam is @jcthedaddy fan account is @knjthedaddys. vote and comment🤑

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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