Chapter 8

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Josh did the last few buttons on his crisp white shirt before doing up his black bow tie. His hair was slicked back to go with his whole image. His white blazer was outlined with black to match his black suit trousers and shoes. He couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss he and Annie had shared the evening before, and how tonight he will be putting her life on the line. His stomach was sick with guilt. ‘No that won’t happen. We’ll go in, find my parents and get out’ He kept telling himself. He grabbed his detailed mask before heading to Annie’s room. She was dressed in a one shoulder coral dress with a black belt around the waist. Her high heeled shoes were decorated with black lace. To top off her outfit, she wore a few accessories which included a black necklace, coral feather ear rings, flower ring and a black clutch bag.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, Annie” He whispered. Annie turned away shocked to see him there but a smile soon emerged on her peach lips. “You know nothing bad will happen okay? I promise” He added, pulling her into a secure hug. He handed her a black laced mask, just like her shoes. As you can properly guess by now, it was a masked party. After the mask was over her eyes, she swallowed nervously. “Would you like a good luck kiss?” He smirked. He didn’t wait for an answer before leaning in. He took her small hand in his as they made there way to find Joseph for the final plans.

“You two look great” He spoke as they walked into the lounge. “Now Josh you will be escorted by these two lovely ladies” He added. Two girls walked into the room. One had bright blonde hair, the other with dark. They were both dressed but not looking as beautiful as Annie. Jealousy filled her stomach as they wrapped there arms around his, though she tried not to show it. Joseph helped her fix the ear piece in her ear covered by her curled hair. “You’ll be arriving in different cars, okay. Do not speak to each other there or they’ll work out it’s you. Annie, when you’re in there, find Carlos, give him a few drinks until you can get his keys. If you get the keys, we get Josh’s parents and it’ll all be over. Got it?” They’d been over the plan a billion times that Annie didn’t even listen any more.

“Sure” She mumbled nervously. They made there way to the two black Audi R8 (A/N Im a bit of a car geek, and its something I’m ashamed of -.-) It quite half hour in the car with only Annie and the chauffeur. There was small talk but nothing else.

“Good luck Ma’am” He spoke just before Annie got out of the car. “I’ll pick you up at12”He added.

“I hope” She whispered, closing the car door. The party was packed with masked faces but still Annie managed to notice Josh.

“Annie? Can you hear me?” The voice came from the ear piece in her ear. “Carlos is at the bar, he’s dress in a black suit he’s the only person without a mask on” She breathed out before wondering over to the bar. He looked around 22. “Hi, I’ll have your strongest cocktail please” She stood next to Carlos so he could hear her conversation with the bar tender.

“A girl who likes to drink” Carlos interrupted, turning to face Annie. His eyes traveled over her body which made her feel sick. ‘God only knows what they’d do with you. Looks like yours come along, they won’t let you go’ The words of Joseph came back.

“Would you like one?” She offered, playing with a piece of hair.

“Lets say this round is on me” He flirted, paying the bar tender and handing her the drink. Carlos would down his drink in seconds, after a while he was so drunk he wouldn’t notice Annie switching the drinks so she would get as drunk as he. “Let’s go play poker” His gritty arm wrapped around her skinny waist as they walked over to the table. He took a seat and pulled Annie down on his lap. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or was this just the way he was. The dealer handed Carlos some poker chips and give him the set of cards.

“Any more players?” The dealer called to the people around him.

“We’ll play” Annie turned her head to see Josh and the two ladies sit down. He gave her a look before taking the cards from the dealer. She knew they weren’t aloud to associate with each other so did nothing but continue to flirt with Carlos. They were both unbelievably good at the game. Josh’s poker face was hot. The way he would bit his lip with concentration, it was hard for Annie not to stare at him. She kept making Carlos downing the drinks at the same time.

“Times running out, find the keys” The earpiece told her.  

“You’re so hot” She lied, kissing down his neck. She wrapped her arms around his stomach, searching his blazer secretly.

“We’ll go back to my place after this” He whispered back to her.

“Can I go wait there for you now?” She fluttered her eyes. Once again he looked her up and down before handing her the hotel keys.

“Penthouse suite babe. I’ll be up after a few games”

“Cant wait” She kissed him again before finding the elevator. Once in there she wiped her mouth. Eww” She said to herself.

“Find them, well be waiting around the back entrance for you” Said the ear piece. The suit was huge and also empty. Everyone was at the party, including security. “Hello?” She called. That’s when she heard moans from one of the rooms. Quickly running to the room on the left to find Mr. and Mrs. Hutcherson. There eyes light up when they saw her. She pulled off the duct tape from there mouth slowly so it didn’t hurt.

“Annie, get out of here quick!” Mr. Hutcherson panicked.

“I’ll get you untied and we’ll go together, Im not leaving without you two. If I can only find a knife to untie this rope-‘’ suddenly a knife was pressed up against her neck.

“I’ve got one right here” Carlos whispered down her neck. 

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