And She Was Gone

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"Alyssa, get up. You have to get ready for school."said Alyssa's mom. She was taking too long to get out of bed. Her mother got frustrated and pushed her off the bed. She got off the floor and went to the bathroom to get ready. She got in the shower. As she was in the shower, she thought about how messed up her life was. She was fat, and she constantly go bullied at school, and whether it was about her weight or about her pregnancy as a freshman, it was getting worse and worse each day. Not only was she getting bullied at school, she was having problems at home. When she got pregnant, her father left because he said that she was a disgrace for daughter. Ever since that day, her mom has been abusive towards her because in her mom's eyes, it was all of Alyssa's fault that her father had left. Although part of the reason he left was because Alyssa was pregnant, she knows that her parents were also having personal issues, but Alyssa's mother blamed it all on Alyssa because nothing was ever her fault. She was "perfect".

Alyssa got out of the shower and brushed her crooked teeth. Her mom was too broke to get her braces. Even if her mom did have the money, she wouldn't care. After she brushed her teeth and put on her clothes. She used to try to make her ratty clothes look cute because she thought that maybe if she wore better clothes, she would get bullied less, and she even tried makeup, but none of that worked, so she didn't care anymore.

She walked down stairs and ate a granola bar. She left the house and drove to school in her rusty 1995 ford taurus that she managed to buy with the little money she earned working at Stop & Shop.

She parked her car and walked towards the school. As she was at her locker, the popular girls, Haley, Hannah, and Heather, threw stuff at her and walked away as if they owned the place. Alyssa looked down to see what was thrown at her. She saw condoms and a crumpled up piece of paper. She picked up the paper, and inside it said "Wouldn't want to get pregnant again, would you? Slut." Although she didn't show it, she felt a lot of pain inside. People didn't understand. The reason she got pregnant was because she had had a boyfriend, Phil, and the boyfriend told her he loved her all the time. One day when he asked if they could have sex, she was reluctant but then he said "If you love me, you'll do this" and she didn't want him to think she didn't love him, so she did it and the next at school, Alyssa tried to talk to him, but he acted like they never met. He used her, and got her pregnant. When she had her baby, she gave it up for adoption. Now she wished that she didn't because the baby was the only person in the world that actually loved her.

She walked into math class and Mrs.Petersen asked people to take out her homework. She went around the room to see if everybody had their homework. She got to Alyssa's desk. "No Homework?" asked Mrs.Petersen.

"No" she said. She hadn't been doing her homework. She didn't care anymore. Mrs.Petersen had tried to talk to her, but it didn't work, so she gave up.

After math class, she went to her other classes, and then she went to lunch. She bought her lunch and sat down at a table by herself. She scoped the lunch room and she saw everyone with their friends. She felt jealous. She didn't even have one friend. She used to have one friend, Haley, but she turned on Alyssa after she'd gotten pregnant. Apparently, she cared a lot more about her reputation than friendship. Alyssa didn't even understand how she became so popular.

Just as Alyssa was about to start eating, Phil, her old boyfriend, sat across from her.

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