Chapter 3

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"Jen! Are you coming? Who's late now?" Lizzy called down the stairs the next day.

"Liz, you have no room to speak! If I hadn't gotten your ass up this morning you would be fighting me for the bathroom!" I told her with a playful smile on my lips. I fake punched her and said "Bitch"

"Yeah, love you too." She said to me

We walked out of the house and to my car. There was a note wedged in between the passenger door and Liz grabbed it fast and stuck it in her purse. As we climbed into my car I asked her about it. "What was that Liz?"

"Oh nothing. Don't worry about it." She told me and plastered a smile on her face. "So, Starbucks this morning?"

"Of course! We were both early today. Starbucks first then Bridgets. BTW we arent getting any thing for her. So drink fast or rub it in her face."

"Why can't we just get something small for her? I know you dont like her but you did agree to pick her up in the morning.

"Yeah, and thats all I agreed to do. I didnt agree to spend my money on her. The girl makes me bananas!"

"Fine, you can rub it in her face but I'll drink fast." Liz told me

"Whatever." I told her with a smile on my face.

I got a Mocha Cookie Crumble and my sister got a Cafe Mocha and an Expresso for Bridget.(After much of a fight from me. I lost.) After picking up our caffienated drinks we went and picked up Bridget. She bounded into my car happy and then with an Expresso in her system it got even worse. I wanted to reach into the back and slap her in the face, but I with held my anger.

When we pulled up into the school parking lot Mel was standing next to my parking space with a grim expression on her face. I parked my Volkswagon Bug and hopped out to see what was up with my friend.

"What's wrong Mel?" I asked her

She looked at me so sad and then busted out a smile. "Nothing silly! I have amazing news I just wanted to make it look bad!" She told me with a playful smile on her face

"Urgh! Sometimes I hate you!" I told her jokingly "So what's the news?" I asked excited. I linked arms with her and we strolled up to the steps where Grant, Sara and the others were waiting.

"Guess who asked me to the Spring Formal?!" she yelled

"No way! Tarzan?!" Tarzan's real name was Parker Monley. I called him Tarzan because he was way into hang gliding and zip lining. The thing that makes it funny is he may be a little cute but he is way clumsy. Ziplining+ clumsy= no good. Miraculously he hasn't gotten hurt yet. Mel thinks it's cute that he likes that stuff. She also thinks his falling is cute. They both have liked each other and everyone knew it but them.

"You have to stop calling him that and yes!!" she told me

"Good for you Mel! So what are you gonna wear?!" I asked my best friend

"I dont know! Will you go shopping with me this weekend?" she asked me

"Of course I will!" I told her

"Good!" she said with a smile then ran off to find her new beau.

I walked up to my friends which consisted of; Sara, Grant, Mel, Jake, Tina, Haley, Missy, Marcus, Alex, and Brad. Sara and Jake are together; Me and Grant are together; Tina and Alex are together; Marcus and Missy are together; and Brad and Haley are together. Our group only exists because we are all couples, plus Mel who now has a guy of her own.

"Hey guys! Look I don't plan on being late to homeroom today so I'm gonna stay out here for five more minutes." I told them.

"That's the Jen I know!" Grant said. "How was Starbucks? You didn't get me anything, I'm hurt." he said faking to cry.

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