Caught my eye

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and CUT! "good job guys, that's it for today! .. Wednesday we shoot again"

Tom: *sees Jacob walking* Jacob !*runs toward him*" Jacob: "what's up..", do you know where zenda---

Z: "Heyyy!", "oh Hey ZendAYAAA *laughs* said Tom, "good job there peter Parker *gives out a quick thumbs up and winks*", "why thank you *does the same thing* not so bad as urself !"

Z: "so hey!, me and the cast members was thinking if u want too join too go too my pool?" Tom: of course why not ! When and what time?"Z: ohhh right .. 3:00 when it's really sunny tomorrow"
Tom: "ok great"
Jacob: "HEYY! u didn't ask me too go", "I was when I was done asking Tom *laughs*" said Z, Tom: *slaps Jacob behind the head*, Jacob: *turns at Tom and stares* "how could you", *Tom and Z both laughs*
Z: ok guys imma ask the rest of the cast members if they can make it *walks off then stop* oh Jacob can u come tomorrow? It's at 3:00 tomor---
Jacob: OFCOURSE I have nothing plan tomorrow like my life *sarcasticly*
Z: "umm Spider-Man homecoming ?!??" Jacob: that's a different story, Z: *laughs and smile at Tom for 2 secs* "k bye! *walks off*
Tom: *looks down and smiles*
Jacob: umm??! Pause what was that *giggly and confused*


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