Chapter 1: Is this the right class?

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Hi there. The names Adam. I go to an irrelevent gross second rate high school. My geometry teacher hates me and didn't let me pass. She sucked, and because of that I had to take it over in summer school. All of my friends passed their classes and don't need to take anything. So i have to go into summer school by myself, which sucks. Anyway, lets get started.

I walk through the doors of my school that look like old wooden doors that have a coat of paint peeling off. They even squeak a bit when you open and close them. I look around. There's a door that leads to the main office to my right. Theres blue and white tiles checkered throughout the floor. Directly ahead of me is a stair case that leads to the upper floors of the first building. "God this place is ugly," I think to myself, "Well, lets get this over with."

I walk forward through the first building into the second. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my schedule. Lucky for me I'm only taking one class. "Room.." I look down the halls trying to figure out what room is what. "57?" I say aloud. I hear a voice from my left.

"Room 57 is on the second floor," I look to my left and see a 5'8 either sophomore or junior, though I can't tell. He's wearing a black plain shirt with three buttons on his chest on it. He wears a black and white flannel over the shirt. His hair is long, poofy, and curly and is mostly covered by a blue and black beanie. He has his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. He has on a dirty pair black and white converse. His eyes were a bright green, I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"Geometry right?" He asks looking at me. I look at the ground then look back at him.

"Yes. I assume you're taking it too?" I ask staring him down.

"Yep! I messed up my class last year so i have to make it up here," He smiles at me. "The name's Jay. Whats yours?" Jay questions, pointing at me.

"Oh, my name's Adam," I answer. "Well, I'm gonna head to class so.." I start to lean back and turn towards the stair case of the second building I start to walk up the stairs when i hear rapid foot steps from behind me.

"We can go together, " Jay catches up to me. "Or are you the leave-me-alone type?"

"I-I.. sure," I blush a bit and turn away, making sure he can't see me. It's nice to have someone approach me especially because of my shyness in public. 

"You taking any other classes," I ask continuing up the stairs "Or is it just this?"

"Yeah this and bio." Jay answers looking at his schedule

"Cool, I guess." I say shaking my head.

We reach the second floor. Jay points down the right hall way. We reach room 57. Jay opens the door and walks in. As I walk in I notice people of all types. The emos, nerds, jocks. I then look across the room and see a tall old man sitting at a desk. I recognize him as Mr.Petrov, a Russian teacher that moved to the U.S. for a better education and to teach high school students. He was my teacher for a short while before I switched out of his class.

"Hey, theres some seats right here!" Jay stands by 2 empty seats in the back corner of the class, "You wanna sit here or somewhere else?" He asks.

"Lets just sit here." I walk over to him and take the seat next to the corner chair, dropping my backpack to the side of my seat. As I look around at the classroom, I notice theres a lot of history stuff around the room. I see history books and projects all having to do with history. "Are you sure were in the right class?" I ask Jay

"Yeah! Don't let the history stuff trick you," He leans back in his seat, "They just want to keep all the classes in one building so it's easier to keep track of the students."

I nod. "Ah, ok." I tap on my desk, waiting. "So when is class gonna s--"


Im interrupted by the bell. I notice a couple of students jump at the sound of it. I snicker and put my hand over my mouth.

"Ok class," Mr.Petrov starts standing from his seat towering over us, "I will not ask for little papers to be signed by parents. Only your undivided attention. We will jump right into this and start working with the right triangle." He says in his thick Russian accent

Just as he goes to write on the board, the door to the classroom opens and a 5'11 jock looking guy walks in. He's wearing a black v-neck that is mostly covered by a red and white wind breaker. He wears khaki pants with some athletic sneakers.

"Yo! Mr.Petrov what's up?" He says confidently.

"Please take a seat," Mr.Petrov ignore his cockiness and starts writing on the board, "We do not have time for games."

"Yeah cmon babe, lets sit in the back." A girl from behind him grabs his arm and pulls him with her. She seems like you're high school girl, pink dress with jansport backpack that has basically nothing in it. Kind of obnoxious. What seemed strange was that he looks like he didn't like her grabbing on to her.

"Hey." He nods at me, then quickly turns to the front of the class. "Names Isaac." He puts his hand out, signaling me to shake it.

"Oh, hi I'm A-Adam," I stutter struggling to break the gaze between us that seems to go on forever. "I-I uhh.." I didn't know what to say.

"I know, I'm pretty cool," he says which immediately makes me dislike him. "No worries that's how a lot of people react."

After class, Jay comes to me by the stairs. I try to hurry away but he catches up to me in no time.

"Hey Adam!" He calls to me as i have no option but to turn and answer

"Y-yeah?" I respond in a low voice. "What's up?" I put on of my hands on the strap of my backpack.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the burger place down the street from here?" He questions scratching his head.

"I can't actually, i have to get somewhere and my parents need me home. Plus I need to give my dog a shower. Then I need to--"

Then the next thing I know, Jay's lips are pressed against mine. I didn't know what to do, but i didn't wanna pull away. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. He pushes me to a wall and begins to wrap his tongue around mine. He pulls away slowly then looks at my eyes.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Adam." he says pulling his fingers away.

"Y-yeah," I can feel my knees shaking as I try to regain balance.

He makes his way down the stairs as I wait there. Only one question remained in my head, how did he know I was gay? Overall it was the best first day I could ever have wished for. Best day ever.

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