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For centuries people have traveled all over the world to find or define love. Whether love really exists or is it just a form of infatuation or lust. Love is a risk that many take hoping for the best even if they know deep down that they're going to get hurt. Nothings for sure when it comes to love. In other words sometimes love really is a gamble. When you love someone you give them the power to break your heart because when you love you give them your trust, respect and time. Love can be anything and everything. It can be a strong feeling of affection towards someone or something. It can also mean a sexual love for someone. It can be a sentimental affection towards an object like a teddy bear or a necklace for example. There are different kinds of love. Love between a mother and child. Love between husband and wife. The love between boyfriend and girlfriend. Love between friends and bestfriends. Love beteen family and relatives. And so on. The list goes on and it never ends. Right. Love is one of the most powerful emotion in the world. It's those little things you do to make someone else happy that creates a unified chain. When you pour all that love, care and affection into absolutely anything you have the power to influence them, change them, enlighten them for their benefit. Even if you won't receive the same love you offer others take heart and don't be discouraged. Continue to be who you are and accept people for their flaws and imperfections because that's what makes all of us truly human. Show compassion and love to everyone whether they have a higher status or lower status because you never know the face that masquerades itself behind all that veil. You don't know what made them this way. Love is pure meaning when you love you give that person all of you trusting them not to take advantage of it. Always remember to get hurt when you love because love can be very painful. I haven't even heard of one person who has loved without getting hurt. That is why when you love someone you must let them go, set them free. Free them from their cage and let them fly far away into the unknown. Love isn't something that is to be forced. It is a natural progression. It must be revealed in its purest form. I assure you if the love you set free, the bird you let fly far away to God knows where will definitely come back to you if it truly loves you. If it doesn't then it is a sign for you to move on. If the love you let go off doesn't make an obvious effort to fight for you, to come back for you, to cherish you for who you are then it's best for you to forget about that love and move on. It's much better for that person to be completely gone than just half being there. Let's be brave and hold on tight with the love we offer others. Let's be those people who can love despite the shortcomings, the anger, and pain. I know that moving on is never an easy answer but realize that you deserve better. Let go of the past and don't dwell on those past memories because it can never truly make you happy. Just teach yourself that it was never meant for you because you can do so much better. Focus on trying to improve yourself and make yourselves the best version you can ever be.  Turn the next page in your story and write a new chapter. Then that love who never fought for you will regret their decision for leaving you. They will want to be with you again. They will miss you. They will want all those memories they had once with you. They would crave to be the cause of your happiness. They would even ask for another chance. If they desire your happiness overall then I assure you that is someone whom you must never let go of. But if it's someone who leaves you when you're sick and claims you back when you're great. Please walk away. No decent person would ever do that. Never cry for those people who left you because if they're meant to be with you they will catch up with the flow of your life. Most of the time we dwell on our sadness and chew on our elbows because we can't accept the reality. Why can't we? It's simply because we expect and plan things in a certain way. And when things don't happen our way we start to resist whatever that happens. When we resist things from happening we try our maximum to alter issues around us and when it doesn't we acquire this feeling of it should have been this way or it should've been that way. Feelings of bitterness, regret, and unforgiveness will be the primal result of all our actions. Take responsibility for your actions and know that you're in fault accept your mistakes and I assure you amazing things will come forth your way. Love can grow as an emotion if and only if two people base their relationship on trust, respect, honesty, and understanding. You need to feed, plant and water it taking care of it as though it was woven from gold. Both sides require individual effort for a relationship to nourish. As they always say,

"It's not all about whom you've loved rather it is the fact that you've loved." Yes, my dears the fact that you loved makes a huge difference you're one step ahead of all the people in the world who have no idea what love really is.

Even if don't know any of you readers that are reading this right now, I deeply care and love you all. I just prefer your happiness and I hate to see you get hurt. I  just want to reach out to all of you and make you feel wanted and loved. Will you please make it come true?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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