Chapter One: Unlikely Friend

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"You're what?" Keith's eyes widen. I can't read the expression on his face. He sits back for a moment and runs his hands through his hair. After a few deep breaths and a lot of fidgeting with his hands, he kneels down in front of my belly and asks "Is it mine?". He looks up into my eyes. excitement written all over.

"Yes." Is all I can manage. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. I can't tell if its the hormones or his reaction causing me to cry. Keith softly touches my belly and smiles.

I smile, looking at my growing stomach, remembering Keith's reaction. It was so sweet. He wasn't scared or angry. He was so happy.

Siana runs into my room and jumps onto my bed. Her curls bounced as she plopped down in the middle of my bed. She smiled brightly before pulling an entire brownie out of her pocket, the whole thing crumbling into my bed.

"Siana Jade! That's all over mommy's bed!" I whine as she enjoys the small chunks that didn't get crushed. She giggles and licks her lips and fingers.

"Mommy. When is daddy coming home?" She asks, and my heart sinks. Dylan moved to LA as soon as he found out I was pregnant. He wanted nothing to do with me. Sadly, Siana is suffering because of it. He texts every once in a while wanting to know how she is, but nothing more is heard from him. Just then, my stomach does a flip flop and I make a run for the bathroom.

"Mommy, is baby making you sick?" My three year old inquires.

"Yes, baby." I answer wiping my mouth after throwing the entire contents of my stomach up. I wash my hands and comb through my messy hair. After sliding on some grey converse, some skinny jeans, and a baggy t-shirt, I grab my phone and dial Keith's number.

"Hello?" He pants into the phone.

"Hey, am I still okay to come over?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just finished running and I'm fixing to hop in the shower." I hear the faucet squeak and he mumbles something about the water being too hot under his breath.

"Alright, I'm on my way."

"Alrighty baby mama. Can't wait." I can hear his smile.

After hanging up the phone and getting my chocolaty toddler cleaned up I grab my keys and head out the door. When I get to Keith's house I see a tall curly headed boy sitting on his balcony. His muscular body was hunched over with his head in his hands. His head quickly jerked up when he heard me lock my car after getting Siana out. She giggles and runs up to him.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"I'm sorry, she doesn't know a stranger." I gush, his brown eyes looking me up and down.

"I'm Heath, you must be Carter." He flashes a goofy smile and stands up to shake my hand. He towers over me by a long shot.

"I am. How do you-"

"I'm a good friend of Keith's from school. He has a lot to say about you." Heath interrupts, obviously intrigued by the looks of me.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry. He's never mentioned you before." I look at my feet, trying to escape his lingering gaze.

"Ohhh. We don't ALWAYS get along." Heath laughs and smiles. His freckles dancing across his nose.

"Why's that?" I ask, honestly curious.

"Ummm. We have our differences." He smiles at me and holds out a hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"You too." I grab his hand and shake it. He sits back down and puts his nose back into his phone.

Unpredictable (Sequel To Siana Jade)Where stories live. Discover now