chapter 1 Tying up loose ends

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Driving on a Friday will sure get you to think (man I could be out drinking right now)but I want nothing more than to end this nightmare this rampage of his stops tonight. My name is Danny Campton and I am a former detective for the L.A.P.D at least I used to be, I lost it when trying to end the miserable life of Jay Ramos a disgusting excuse for a human being *tsk* more like a morbid mind of torturing innocent folks. His file said a lot about him that he was abused terribly, he suffered severe trauma and a blood thirst lust, it said that he was raped,beaten,burned,scarred (he has a bunch of scars on his back and one over his eye we all took good note of this when we examined him back at the station ) and he suffered a great deal of amnesia. He says that he doesn't remember the faces of the people he kills and I guess that is what doesn't keep him from killing more innocent folks....but not tonight not anymore it's hard to believe that the force would try to turn on me he needs to leave this world if no one will....then I will *Danny looks at a sign that says Closed Yellow Stalks* that's the one! *Danny pulls into the driveway of the abandoned hotel and parks his car in one of the parking spots closest to the exit he knew this wouldn't be easy * *Danny takes a step out of the car but sets the alarm and walks up to the hotel entrance feeling a chill over his shoulders * I can't really quite describe what I saw through the glass door entrance, but what it seemed like were of hanging bodies with....clown masks? I placed my hand on my gun holster keeping it there walking past the hanging corpses I crept up to the elevator ...but i remember this trick (back when we were on his ass it was this same type of building but not the exact one, the one we were at was an abandoned hospital but it wasn't abandoned before not until we got a distress call for a massive killing going on at Fall shores hospital we got there but the entrance had been bolted down so we called a SWAT team out and they rammed that fucker down. When we got in a team of four decided to take the elevator when they opened it rigged bomb  had been placed down and killed a 3rd of the group only one stood living but was caught off guard what came out of the lobby room was not human this over built thing with skinned eye lids and a facial cage mask had ran out with a sledge hammer and bashed the members head in he was the last one of that squad then within the seconds it looked at me and the other 3 squads it charged at me but I and a couple others jumped out of the way it had punctured the skulls of 2 teammates that he was caught off we shot at it a little but it was no use this fucking things eyes started to bleed and he charged at us this time i moved out of the way but the other 2 got knocked straight into the wall I had time to get up and run up the left stair way entrance thank god that fucker was too damn big to fit through the door way I ran as fast as I could up the stares what the fuck was that thing!? as I made my way up I heard multiple gun shots and grunting I got up to my nearest upper exit this guy wasn't alone on this massacre I can understand that but what was that thing? There were men in clown masks with machine guns and bloody swat uniforms? shooting at the other teams ...but how did they get up here? the only entrance for going up is blocked by that thing down stairs then I realized they probably just took the back way entrance which would explain the blood trails and dead bodies but thinking to my self i wanted to help but you never get yourself caught in a distorted cross hair storm iv'e seen how many chunks a stray of bullets can take so I closed the door and kept walking up the stairs training my hand on my gun holster ready to shoot anything with out hesitation. I came up to the next door but there was no door it had been missing off it's hinges but from the looks it had been bashed down I pulled out my gun entered the clip and cocked it back training my aim through the bloody hallway it had been doused in dead bodies those of Nurses,Patients,Guards and oh god ...children I wanted to throw up so bad when i heard a light chuckle from around the  right side corner of the hallway i turned to it and backed up on the corner some sort of light was showing i took a deep breathe and pulled my gun out on what seemed to be a clown? I aimed at it and yelled FREEZE! it was eating  the insides of a dead nurse an RN from the looks of her it had a black mask with scissor cabled type bear trap teeth things it laughed again but louder HEEEHHHEHE AHAHAHAHA and growled as it chomped the woman's head off completely blood pouring making that one flooring space really messy it dropped her and looked at me it's eyes were bulged and blind? wow this clown was blind but looking at those teeth i don't think i wanna get caught but fuck! i already yelled at it a long blood soaked tongue popped out and it's eyes then lit bright orange and it's neck arched and lunged at me I shot at it backing away quickly blasting that fucker to half's of his brain were in chunks his blood was white!!? what the fuck is going on!!!??? i screamed out loud i just ran through the hallway i heard screaming and i tried to ram through the door but it was locked i shot the rest of my first clip at the lock and it broke i reloaded and then kicked down the door surprised to find Jay Ramos sitting in a chair holding a nude woman's corpse she had a wide gash across her face but was aimed more at her jaw I grabbed him and threw him out of his chair and kicked the living shit out of him then he looked at me with that fucking mask THAT FUCKING MASK! i hate that thing he wears on his  already fucked up face it was all white and had 2 horizontally slit eye holes his mouth had a wide smile on it gritting plastic bloody teeth and there was tight straps in the back. As soon as i saw that face i stomped on the center of it probably breaking his fucking nose due to the fact that it was cracked and blood was rushing out of it WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE JAY!? killing people and thinking you can get away with it! I took off my coat and rolled up my sleeves and took out a pack of cigarettes you know something Jay? I really need to quit smoking this shit eh? I lit it anyway hell if I get lung disease in the future at least i get to have the memory of taking this fucker out of his misery I took one long puff then kept it in my mouth for a few minutes before picking up the chair he had been sitting in and smashing it on his back I pushed back my spiky hair and flipped him over i got on top of him and took one of the broken chair legs and began smashing his face with it. I heard my friends voices Johnny and Cameron my best officer's but i continued breaking his mask and smashing my elbow as deep as i could until i could see fear into his eyes they ran in and pulled me up holding me back from killing this fucker Cameron grabbed him and placed handcuffs on him he was big but he had a shotgun to his head i would never trust Cam with this one ever but all he really did was just hid his face because his mask was broken that's his weakness that mask Johnny and i walked out and he said holy shit! all that gym payed off huh? i said yeah dude your elbow is missing some skin how hard did you fucking hit him!? he said I kept elbowing at that mask until it broke then i would fuck up his face i said well you would've probably killed him Danny he said Hey did you take care of the shooters down stairs? huh? yeah we did they were fast but nothing beats back up am i right? he said but what about the clown? i asked what clown? we came up to that corner and he was right that clown was gone...i asked him But what about the big guy on the first floor!? he asked Danny you feeling alright? i realized i sounded like a crazy person we left some people to cover up the hallway's with caution tape then we took Jay Ramos to the station we assigned him to an asylum after  the chief pulled me into his office and told me about how i was suspended for a couple of weeks for trying to kill our target so i turned in my gun and badge but it was just a suspension i'll come back that's what i thought but then after a few month's later  a call came in Jay fucking Ramos has escaped North star asylum killing multiple orderly's and inmates with his bare hands this has to fucking stop he's still out there goddamn it Campton i can't take this anymore your obsession with Jay Ramos has to stop i hate that name i said to him he screamed I DON'T FUCKING CARE DANNY! IM DONE WITH THIS YOU ARE FIRED! i screamed back YOU GUYS ARE LETTING A RUTHLESS KILLER GO! he screams back get the fuck out of my office Campton! i get up and slam the door behind me i went to my house sat down and broke everything i ripped my clothes off and got in the shower that's when i started losing my mind i heard something in the kitchen i turned off the shower faucet and put a towel on i crept to my room dropping my towel and putting some pants on and grabbed my gun hey you can take the gun you assigned me but you can't my 45 colt revolver i walked down hallway to this black hair patch on the fridge i shook my head and it wasn't there what the fuck? i must be really tired so i decided to finish my shower i took my pant;s off grabbed my towel and walked back to the bathroom turning on the shower and got in the weird part was when i was done the towel i had left on the toilet was gone so i walked naked to my bed i mean i do live alone after all i was still kinda paranoid so i left my gun on the nightstand and went to sleep naked fuck it i mean i was too tired to even look for my towel i went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night to something cracking i looked up and my ceiling was crackling blood had leaked from it falling on my face i got up and put clothes on and left i stayed up driving for about 3 hours it was until 1:00 in the morning i drove back and my bed had been torn to shambles i slept on the couch i woke up and ever since i kept seeing his damn face it made me so angry i kept smashing my things this went on for 3 months so i said fuck it i threw on  my white shirt a green flannel i had black pants i threw on i grabbed my gun,my holster and my car keys it was very late i got in my car and drove to where i got my first distress call back when i was a just a regular man in uniform we had been going at this for 20 years i started when i was 23 i am now 43 i feel like an old man sometimes but that's not gonna stop me tonight)  I passed the elevator and went up the main lobby stairs something crashed into the kitchen because i heard it loud and clear *Danny creeps up to the corner of the kitchen stocked up against the wall and pulls out his gun ready to aim and fire * *he creeps his head out slowly and then quickly draws his gun looking around nothing except for the trashed kitchen he walks out when a giant hand grabs him and throws him out of the kitchen  * D-what the fuck was that!? *a tall lanky figure with a bloody orange mask walks out * D- not this shit again *the tall creature looks down at Danny and lunges himself Danny opens fire immediately but the creature twists his body dodging the bullets* *it slides against the ground smacking Danny into the glass chandelier crashing through it suffers a few cuts from the glass and falls into the lobby tables*  *Danny gets up the chandelier still stays the creature lunges towards him but the chandelier falls on him screeching loudly Danny gets up and empties the last 3 bullets  into the creature making sure it was dead * D-that was fucking stupid i only had 4 rounds on me i guess i'll just have to stick with 3 seeing from that thing this really isn't going to be easy *Danny walks up the stairs and peeks around both corners making sure nothing is around then he walks down the right hall remembering the clown that was feasting on the female corpse he stops and turns back to the left hallway he starts to see the hallway get dark though but he still continues down that way everything go's black around him and he see's a white face with bleeding eyes and a black smile approach him he runs back the other way but can seem to escape the black abyss surrounding him he keeps running then realizes this isn't real he would've reached the end of the right hallway by now he turns around and the face is close to his face to face the smile gets wider and starts bleeding and his mouth opens drooling and bleeding* *Danny sticks the gun in his mouth and blasts a hole through his head and it starts to get light again he walks down the right hall when he comes up to the corner of the hallway nothing there Danny taps himself in the head with the tip of his gun  and continues around the corner and down the hall it gets narrow* D-shit not this...*he walks down the narrow hall but then began's running when he realized he had passed the same painting of a female standing on a bridge with a flower in her hair he stops and looks at the painting  *D-this is wasting my time! *the painting go's black and the floor boards open up to a wet sharp teeth tongue wagging mouth in the floor Danny jumps up crunches his hands against the ceiling walls because the hallway was  really narrow closed in it was easy for him to hold himself up from the thing eating him but then the walls began bleeding and running down his trembling hands it got really slippery but the only thing he could do was hold him self longer he had already dropped his gun in the thing's mouth and he doesn't know if he can survive falling in that things mouth but then the tongue wraps around his right leg pulling him down he's slowly slipping down the walls it pulled him down into it's mouth and swallowed *  *Danny hears a girls voice * I have seen it all the perishing the burning the killing it drives everyone crazy it drives them to bend to one's will from  anything it's that sickness that lies in us all of us even you Daniel Campton you will understand shortly that you too have a sickness in you but within your mind is evil your whole appearance is pure evil and it's shameful really will you keep killing these poor souls you confirm as creatures or monsters? i wish the best for you that you will soon understand if not i hope the pygmy within your heart consumes you i hope the sickness in your stomach gorges it'self from the inside out and that you choke on your own blood coated bile i wish the worst for you Daniel but i do wish that doesn't happen wishes really come true?    

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