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"C'moooooon Anne! Please come with us! You really need to get out of bed, you've been here the whole week!!" Maddie said putting her hands in the air and wiping a tear off my face.

"I don't know guys." I said with a frown on my face and gloomy eyes. "What if he's there? What if he tries tal-." Tears started falling on my face once again.

That jerk really broke my heart.

"So what if he's there? The whole school is gonna be there, you probably won't see him in the crowd anyways." Maggie interrupted me and took away the blanket I was crying on.

"Yeah, you're right, plus, like you told me yesterday, I shouldn't talk to him." I said putting on a fake half smile.

"That's our girl! We'll get going, just be ready by 8, we'll pick you up." The twins said as they were picking up their purses and closing the front door.

I loved Maggie and Maddie, they were these gorgeous blue eyed, brunette, petite bodied, twins. Beside being beautiful physically, they were amazing persons too, I've seen them cry a couple times, most of them because of happiness or because of laughing so much.

They were incredibly wise. They always knew what to do. They rarely fought with each other. If I were a dude I'd totally be dreamy about both.

They were the only set of twins, besides these seniors guys, that I knew.

Why do twins get the good genes? Why don't they think about only childs like me?

Juuuust kidding. I'm not an only child. I have an older brother, not saying he's cute, because that'd be weird, but we look a lot alike and I'm cute, so, do the math.

We were kinda popular in town because my parents own AirLawley, I don't really know how to explain what they do, but basically they own a part of the airport.

And I don't mean popular as "oh, eveyone loves me, I have a ton of friends, I aaaalways go out, everyone wants to hang out with me", like, no, thank God no.

I mean popular in, people know who I am, but that doesn't mean they talk to me.

I got off the couch and slowly walked upstairs to my bathroom.

I turned on the shower and closed the curtains so water couldn't get to the toilet-zone of the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone and texted my best friend that I changed my mind and I was going to the party.

jamemes;): wait whaaa??? i thought you said you didnt wanna go

me: yeah i kinda got convinced by the m&m's

jamemes;): cheer up girl!! we see each other in a month

me: ill get better, ttyl gotta shower

I slowly took off my clothes and put them in a pile next to the door because who knows where the hell did I leave my dirty laundry basket.

Like, who even looses something that big?

I unlocked my phone again and opened Spotify and put Memphis by Justin Bieber and let the whole Journals album play.

I got in the shower and slowly rinsed off my left over ice cream and crumbs of bread around my mouth.

I did everything else I had to do and cleaned everything I had to clean in the shower and got out 2 Justin Bieber albums later.

I put a towel around my body and walked my steps downstairs getting to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a small serving of yogurth and a spoon to eat it with.

I was about to close the fridge when I heard the front door slam meaning someone was coming in and I was still wearing nothing but my light pink towel.

I had no idea who could it be, Kian was upstairs, my parents weren't even coming back until next Tuesday, and the twins wouldn't be coming until 8.

I deleted the option of someone wanting to rob the house, because they would have broken the glass or something, instead of opening like they knew it was always open when Kian forgets to lock it.


Ethan and I were on Kian's driveway 15 minutes after 7. We were going to beat his ass at Fifa just like he beat mine last time we played, and then head to this party a Junior was having at their house.

Ethan opened the unlocked door to K's house.

"I call shotgun on our way to the party by the way!." Ethan said as he opened the door.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that later." I answered laughing at what he previously said. We walked the little hallway that took us to the kitchen and the stairs.

Kian told us to come in because he was playing online, so he unlocked the door before we were on our way.

Ethan rushed his way out the hallway and stopped abruptly.

"Oh, hmm, hi." Ethan said. I frowned my brows and rushed my way to what he was seeing.

kinda very excited about this book!;)

word count: 844

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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