Leaving after a fight

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{Requested by @really_queen_bianca on Instagram}

// Imagine Bianca is going on tour right after a fight with you and regrets leaving without saying goodbye during the plane ride. //

"Alright, if that's all you have to say, I need to catch my flight." With that said she slams the door shut behind her and leaves you alone in your misery. She gets into the car and doesn't look back, still shaking with anger.
A successful entertainer has other things to worry about than their partner feeling left alone. You should be more supportive and be happy for her. In the end she is doing what she loves most. Wait... really what she loves most? Bianca shakes her head. It's way to earlier in the day to think about something like that.
Finally at the airport she rushes to her terminal and checks in. A slight glance at her phone shows that you haven't called or sent a message.
Bianca sighs frustrated and plops onto a bench near by. She knows that just leaving was wrong but she ran out of arguments. Deep down she knows that you are right. She should at least take you with her on tour. But Bianca still fears what other people are going to say to you and most importantly about you. She wants to protect you from the fake snakes in the business.
Her phone buzzes all of a sudden and she immediately takes it out of her pocket to see if it's a message from you. Maybe you decided to break things off. But it was just Bunny's usual text.
The frustration turns into sadness. This tour is going to take an entire month. One month till she sees you again. One month til she can hug you and tell you that she's sorry for reacting like that. Bianca is sure that you are not going to call her and not going to pick up when she calls you. That's what you do when you're mad. Pure ignorance, some people would call it the cold shoulder.
The drag queen looks at the clock, it's time to get into the plane. Slowly, like it would physically hurt her, is she making her way over to the plane. This might be it, the end of your relationship. And she can't turn around anymore. Inside the machine she leans against the tiny window and starres at the locked phone in her hand. She turns the screen on to check, still no messages from you. Her eyes start burning and it takes a lot of willpower to keep the tears locked up.
The phone ends up back in her pocket. She decides to facetime you when she arrives at her hotel and tell you how sorry she is and how much she misses and loves you. But the fear that you might already be over her is still eating her alive. She just wants to turn back time and kiss you before she leaves. As a reminder that no matter what she just said, she doesn't mean it and loves you deeply.

And you back at your place... you sit on your sofa, Dede and Sammy on your lab, crying into a big bowl of ice cream. Just waiting for Bianca to call and apologize.

{ I might do a second part if it's requested}

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