David and the light and darkness

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The light is known as hope and as a savior and the darkness as a harbinger of decay and rot but these 2 sides are no more different than themselves but in these times only order can prevail in this war between light and darkness and that's when the Knights of order come to keep apart the light and darkness from destroying everyone in their path and only one can stop this conflict 'The Order Master'


Today was an ordinary day for David, A young boy who just started middle school he has already made some friends, first was a boy named Felix, he was very energetic and one of the best sportsmen in their class the other was a boy named Tim, Tim was a person which always seem to get in trouble in some sort of way but he was a nice guy once you got to know him.

Today was the excursion to the museum, David was not really excited but he thought it was okay and as he headed off to school he met up with Felix who was jogging to school and yelled "FELIX, wait up!" Felix turned his head and answered back "try and keep up" and he ran faster and David as well they in mid race, trying to keep up.

After the race, Felix of course won the race and David was buffed out a lot and John came out of the inner gate and yell "YOU TWO COME OVER HERE!" so Felix and David jogged with all their remaining energy and Felix said "what is it" and John replied "we have a new student and it's a girl" David said "well lets go see her" then John pointed just over the tables at which a girl was standing with her parents and when David saw her he immediately felt a connection with her and he said in a soft voice "who is that?" John replied "I don't know".

All the students gather around the bus and Mr. Porter who was their teacher said "we have a new student in our class, her name is Elianna" In a soft voice "Hi everyone...." Mr. Porter called John over with David and Felix and said "I don't want any trouble from you 3 understand?" they all replied "Yes, Mr. Porter "then he answered "so I don't have to keep eye you 3 I want you to sit in separate seats Felix you will sit next to Rory, john you will next to Bobby and David you will sit next to Elianna, keep her company okay?" David replied "Yes Mr. Porter"

As everyone sat on the bus, David kept thinking about that connection to Elianna as she came over, tried to put a normal face on himself and said "here your go" Elianna replied "Thank you David" David was surprised to hear that she knew his name "how do you know my name" she replied in her soft voice "I heard Mr. Porter talking to you and your friends, I haven't really had friends before." David tried to see if he could get a smile on her face and said "well let me be your first friend here at this school then." While putting a smile on his face and Elianna replied with a smile on her face "thank you David"

After quite a while the bus arrived at the bus at the museum the children came off the bus Felix was the first to get off, you could see his eyes all dreary because of Rory's talking throughout the trip and John was just behind David but he was so bored to even talk to him and lastly David and Elianna were the last to get off, David still had that feeling which was that connection which was felt when he felt when he first met Eilanna so he stay with her during the tour guide's talk before heading into the museum the tour guide was leading them through out the many exhibits such as the the dinosaurs which Felix was bored about and John was talking to Bobby but headed to the exhibit which everyone was waiting for the Sword in the rock which was recently discovered, David was excited and in curiosity because there was an exhibit which fascinated him the most "The Sword in the rock" which was uncovered but no one could release it from its rocky tomb.

They headed towards the blade but in that instant a black mood surround the children and the blade then suddenly a black shroud appeared and out of the blackness came out a man much bigger than Mr.Porter, he wore black shrouded armor and sword which was the size of David himself and he yelled "Where is the Order Master" he immediately turned towards to Eilanna and said "well wll what do we have here, an order maiden" then took a great big slash at Eilanna.

David was shocked to see what happened all the others had etheir ran or stayed with the teacher but David stay to see if Eilanna was alright, the smoke cleared and David saw that a a bright orb was surrounding Eilanna and she wasn't wearing her school unform but a valkyrie sort of armor and she turned her head towards to David "Grab the sword David, I cant hold him off much longer" David was confused and shocked but did what Eilanna asked of him and towards the rock and grab the handle of the blade and with all his strength pulled the sword out...

And the adventure truly begins.


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