Life Cycles

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A chilled wind blew softly, whispering secrets of the mist to the trees. Though nothing stirred in the hushed voice, nothing that is except for a young girl who stood lost, among the withered trunks of the oak trees, listening fearfully.

"He's coming little one, Oh run! Run like the small rabbits do, from the fox! Hide yourself, conceal yourself from sight and do not breath a word. Maybe he will not find ye small creature. But make haste! The air turns foul, the forest dwelling creatures scatter, flowers wilt and leaves go limp, the insects and spiders freeze in place. Nothing lives, he is the taker. Hide, before its too late..."

The winds plea struck the child who began to tremble with fear.

As predicted the air began to smell putrid. Rabbits, fox and deer began galloping past. Hawks, sparrows, starlings and robins zipped through the air. But as fast as they had come they were gone. Adrenaline kicked in and she began running in the direction of the other creatures. A few times she saw crows, perched high up in the trees. Cawing in a mocking manner, eyes flashing red. Were they...laughing? She ran blindly. Untill the edge of the forest appeared, Looking desperately for signs of animals all she found was a clearing, void and containing a dark aurora. A twig snapped from a deer, who laid down close to the ground, concealing herself and the fawn who accompanied her. The girl then realized they were hiding all along the edge. Deer in the ferns, squirrels and chipmunks in hollowed trees. A blackberry bush loomed nearby and she quickly darted into it, finding herself in a concealed thicket of thorns and moss, along with a few trembling rabbits.

As she lay hidden the rancid smell assulted her nose once more, and the sky darkened. The rabbits froze as did all other life. The leaves went limp and blossoms began to wilt, petals floating to the ground. She held her breath. Outside of the bush the forests floor of dried twigs and leaves began to crack under some things feet. Suddenly there was a loud scuffle and the sound of tree branches snapping. A hawks screech was cut short by the noise of its head being twisted off. Bones snapping and flesh ripping. She peered out of the droopy leaves, though she saw nothing. That is until it dropped from the tree it had climbed, right in her line of sight. He stood tall, menacing. It was dressed in charcoal tattered pants, and a large black jacket. From the sleeves abnormally long, curved talons protruded where his fingers should have. In one hand he held the mangled body of a hawk. The other held a broken bottel. His back was to her but slowly, he began to turn at the sense he was being watched. She stared at the gas mask he wore. It was one of those old gas masks you'd find online being sold as an antique, but eerie none the less. His hood was up and the darkening skies gave him a dreadful sence. Lightning flashed when she realized he had locked eyes with her. She stared back, refusing to break eye contact. Ever so slowly, it began to walk forward then pushed through the brambles. His putrid smell made her sick but no longer did fear push her into oblivion. He held out his long talons, beckoning the girl forward with them. Tensely her small hand took his and he helped her out. She stood and brushed the dirt from her dress, though she stared up at this being while doing so. Curiosity rose in her. Why had the voices carried by the wind seemed so concerned? He did not seem like a threat, more so curious as she was. He stared down through the gas mask with luminous grey eyes. Hypnotized by the oddly beautiful coloration she stared.They seemed like the soft grey skys that lingered right before a storm. Fringed with black, his eyes also reminded her of the phrase " The calm before the storm".

Tentatively she whispered " Can you take me home to mommy and daddy, mister?" Holding out her small hand as a peace treaty, though her hazel eyes never left his.

He spoke not a word but nodded slowly, taking her hand, while making sure his talons didn't harm her. He smiled inside of the mask then picked her up and pressed a small cloth of chloroform to her face. Taking care not to drop the unconscious child, he began to run.

When the childs home came into view, he slowed, approaching cautiously, there he laid her down on the porch. But he stopped, watching her. She may have just been a child... But why was the fear she had felt for me suddenly vanquished? He pondered then picked up her hand and in the palm he left two deep claw marks, then licked it. His black, acidic blood filled it and instantly hardened. Marking the child as sacred to him.

"May no other creature harm her..." He stood for a momment, then pounded loudly on the door before disappearing. From the trees further away, he watched carefully, as the door opened and a distraught mother found her unconscious daughter, safe and sound. He smiled, Behind him the wind spoke in a hushed confusion " What is this? A change? He who takes lives! Spares a mere child? What is this?"

He turned and began to walk away, opposing the wind.

None of the words in his extensive vocabulary could ever possibly even begin to allow the breeze know why he did, what he did.

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