Chapter One

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Since the divorce, I myself know I havent been myself. Nothing feels right. The house is quiet. Far to quiet. Nothing hurts me more than knowing my little girl is out there and thinking I dont care or thinking I dont want to see her.


I look to the door and Jess appears holding a pot. She smiles and i watch as she disappears into the kitchen and reappears seconds later.

"Don't you have a script to be reading?" She moves round and pushes my feet from the sofa and sits down. I sit up and frown.

"I have reshoots in two days. Ive read the script. I'll be fine" I look at her and her face is stern.

"You fucked up Jamie"

"Don't you think I know that? Look if you have come here to mither me and go on, Id rather you went home and left me to it" I shrug and she slaps my leg.

"Ive come to see if you are okay. Dad is working and Liesa is away. We are worried sick Jamie. You have been locked up in this house for ages. No word from you, no nothing."

I pull my hands up to my face and rest my chin in them. I look straight ahead at the photoframe. In it is a picture of Dad, Dulcie and I when she was born. Definitely the best day of my life.

"Look. Get your suitcase sorted and have a shower. Ill run you to the airport. You need to be in Canada soon Jamie. Get used to the timezone so you are abit more... happier when you have to reshoot."

Jess stands and makes her way to my bedroom. I throw myself back and grab the script from the side of me.  I think working is probably the best bet for me at the moment. Being in someone elses mind rather than my own. Christian Grey is definitely an interesting character so going back into his mindset will be somewhat calming.

"Jamie! Help me!"

I shake my head and follow her shout to my room.

"Honestly, i know how to pack a suitcase"

"Well you havent done it"

"I was going to do it later. No rush"

"There is. You may aswell leave today."

"Sick of me already then?"

I push the case to the side and sit on the bed. Jess watches and frowns. Is there anything my sister doesnt pull a face at.

"Stop fussing over me. I am perfectly fine."

"Are you? You are living in a messy house. Not tidying up, hardly have food in. Thats fine is it? Jamie if Dad knew you were living like this he would flip!"

"Dad doesnt know does he? He doesnt need to know and you dont need to tell him. You also need to stop acting as if you are my mum! Im fine. Im a grown man Jess. I dont need your pitt."

I look up and im immediately met with big eyes. Her eyes have teared up and I feel bad. She shakes her head and drops my tshirt so it falls ontop of the suitcase. I hear the front door slam and thats how I know Im alone again.

Dakotas POV
Being in Vancouver was always nice. The weather wasnt the best but working is fun, especially coming back to this film.

"I can't believe there are reshoots. I hope we havent aged that much" Eloise chuckles. I laugh and pat her hand.

"Nah we are the good looking ones" I wink and she cracks her smile.

"Do you know the scenes you have to do with Jamie?"

"Uh yeah, theres one sex scene and the other four is the scenes with Eric aswell. Should be interesting."

The door knocks and James pops his head round. I immediately smile and he comes in, shutting the door behind him.

"Jamie is on his way, he will probably be here early hours of the morning which means we will shoot not tomorrow but the next day. Let him get used to his surroundings again."

I nod and take a sip of my water. I haven't seen Jamie since the premieres for Fifty Shades Darker. I haven't heard from him neither. He will always have a special place in my heart and I know we will never be more than friends but it hurts to face that reality.

"Everything okay?"

Im brought back to reality by Eloise who is looking at me with a funny look across her face.

"Anyway, we will need you both in about half an hour. Makeup is done right?"

"Yep! All done James!"

"Jolly good. Ill see you on set in 30." He taps my nose and pats Eloises shoulder and disappears.

"What were you thinking about then?"

I sit back and let out a little sigh before shaking my head.

"Just Jamie. Complicated Jamie Dornan" we both chuckle and Eloise sets her bottle down.

"You like him.. dont you?"

"I did. I know nothing can happen. He is married with a little girl. How can I ever measure up to that?"

"Wow. You sound like Ana" Eloise laughs and strokes my arm.

"Dont be nervous. You know yourself when he gets here you will be fine. Just nerves babe. I mean who doesnt think he is attractive? He is. You might feel it more because of the position you are in and what your characters have to do."

I shake my head.

"Its acting. I know what we do isnt us. Its Ana and Christian. Thats what our mind set is in. It'll just be strange. Ill be fine though" I smile and grab my water again, Eloise looks at me sadly and taps my leg. I smile.

I havent been with anyone since Matt and even he thought something was going on with Jamie and I. We do have an incredible bond and an even better friendship. I think it just hurts me knowing I can never actually wake up besides him and have his beautiful blue eyes stare back at mine. I shake my head. Snap out of it Dakota.


I grab my phone from the sidr and click the home button. Speaking of the devil.

From Jamie D
To You
"Hey. On my way to Vancouver. Will be there at about 3:00am. Can we go over some lines and how we are going to do the scene with Eric? I have a few ideas. See you soon. J."

I read the text aloud to Eloise and a little smile appears on her face. What is she thinking?


"Nothing. Just funny how hes messaged you after us talking about him. You guys rehearse days before?" She raises her eyebrow

"We go through how we think it should be. We know the characters better than anyone. James helps too. We need to go over our lines aswell. We did it when we were filming last year too"

She laughs and shakes her head. I shake my head and reread the text. Wow. A year its been and a text like that is my hello from him. He is an odd one. Maybe I can talk about us. Well... him. See how everything is. The next couple of weeks are going to be long. Very very long.

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