Chapter One:

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"No no no NO!" This can't be right. No I'm not pregnant this stupid thing is wrong.

"Mya Is everything okay?" My best friend Evelyn calls out from my bedroom.

I walk out of the bathroom with shocked expression.

"I'm pregnant." We're the only words to come out of my mouth.

"Oh my gosh Mya!" I burst out into tears and she gets up to comfort me.

"What am I gonna do? I'm a senior in high school." I say between the sobs.

"You need to call Grayson." Evelyn says honestly.

"No I can't."

"Then I will call him and talk to him for you." Before I can reply she takes my phone and begins to face time Greyson.

"Hey ba- Hello Evelyn. Why you calling off Mya's phone?" I hear him question.

"Can you come to Mya's like right now. Please. It's an emergency."

"Is she okay?" He sounds worried.

"Quit asking questions and get over here!" I hear he click the phone off.

I crash on to my bed and continue sob. How could this happen to me. We used protection like we do every single time! Ugh! A few minutes later I heard the door open and a voice call out. "Mya!"

"She's in her room!" Evelyn calls back. I hear footsteps running up the stairs then a few second later to reveal a worried Greyson. He rushes over and sits next to me as I begin to sit up. I simply hand him the pregnancy test.

"Oh my gosh." He dropped the test in shock.

"Evelyn can you please let us have a minute alone." He says with a tone that I cannot distinguish.

"Actually I'm just gonna get going home. I have some homework to finish up for Monday anyways." She says grabbing her bag before heading to the door.

"Bye Ill text you later." I call out as she walks out.

"So.. um." I stutter. "Are you um gonna leave me?" I begin to shake, felling an anxiety attack coming on.

"What! No!" He grabs my hand, calming me." Mya were in this together."

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"At least we know why you have been sick for the past three weeks." He slightly jokes.

"Yeah." I quietly say. "What are we gonna do when the baby is born?"

"Um. Well we will hopefully be graduated by then. Maybe we could find our own place."

"If we can afford it." I say.

"Wanna go on a date tonight?" Grayson says out of the blue.

"What do you have in mind?" I question.

"I don't know. Maybe go down to the beach."

"Sure." I say. I stand up and go begin to search through my closet to look for a swimsuit. I pick out a blue and white two piece swimsuit. Then grab a pair of light wash denim shorts and black and white flannel to cover the swimsuit. I go into my bathroom and quickly change then throw my long brown hair up into a bun.

I come back into my room and Greyson is still playing a game on his phone so I walk over and sit in his lap as he is laying down. After putting his phone down he sits up and gives me a short but sweet kiss.

"Maybe it would be a good idea for us to wait to tell our parents until my second trimester." I confess.

"I agree. We should make sure you don't miscarriage." He says.

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