My Anti-depressant

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AN// No one actually reads these things. But i feel the need to write one anyway. So I'm bored and im sick, so im just trying to entertain myself a bit. This is my first published fic so sorry if it not up to scratch with some of the amazing fics on here! might be slowi-sh updates because im a very lazy person haha! so here goes!:D

*"the past is the past, And I am letting it kill me*"

She sat alone at her table.
She brought her coffee cup to her lips and sipped at the bitter drink. The warm liquid flowed down her throat, making her feel all cozy.
Alex tapped the table with her fingernails, drumming a tune on the hard surface trying to keep herself occupied as she waiting for Ricky.
Where was he?
He's not One for time keeping, always late for something. I wonder what his excuse will be this time.
She looked around at the people in the Starbucks cafe. The happy couples, the workaholics, the staff and the "typical white girls". Entertaining as it is to earwig into people's conversations about "Becky and her new boyfriend" it would really help if Ricky would hurry his ass up.
Just then in came a soaked to the skin, breathless Ricky. He looked around trying to find me. I waved awkwardly and when he finally noticed he made his way towards the table, almost tripping on the way over .
"Heyy sorry I'm late I uhmm" he looked as though he couldn't come up with an answer.
"you where doing your hair, went for a fag, got caught in traffic even though you came on foot?" she folded her arms across her chest and tried to keep a straight face. But both Ricky and Alex couldn't contain the laughter.
Ricky and Alex had been best friends from the age of 12. Ricky was moved to Alex's school when his parents got divorced, and he'd moved away with his Mum. The memory of the first meeting was still fresh in both their minds.
Ricky still remembers the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach when he was walking down the seemingly endless corridor of that school. the walls had art made by the pupils on them, and the odd quote about attitude or behavior. Ricky didn't take the time to stop and admire the walls, his mind was racing.
He knew that no one here would be like him. No one would be into rock like he was. No one would wear all black and have long, choppy hair like his. No one would have pircings, And I bet no one could play guitar like he could either. He knew that this was going to be the worst decision his mum had ever made.
And then he saw Alex...
She was sitting at the back of the classroom, the only empty seat in the room was beside her. And Ricky didn't want to sit beside her, not in a bad way of course. She sat leaning against the wall with her earphones in. She seemed distant. Ricky awkwardly sat down beside her. She smiled and took out an earphone.
"Hey" she smiled, she seemed friendly enough.
"hi" Ricky said quietly, he took a moment to admire the girl. Her bright green eyes, her long black hair with a black beanie keeping it in place. Her pale pink lips and her black lip ring. She was beautiful.
But he couldn't help but notice how distant she was. The whole class she spent in a daze. Dreaming. Her eyes looked heavy, she must have been tired.
Really tired.

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