
9 2 1

  Alisa took a single step off the top of her roof and fell, onto the ground where a splitting crack ended her life. Kade screamed and ran to her friends limp body.

  "ALISA, ALISA!" She screams at her friends limp body. It was unavoidable, her best friend was dead.
  "ALISA!" She screams sitting up quickly in her bed. Tears streamed from her eyes. She looked at the door hoping for her mother or father to run through the door but then remembered. They were gone. Kade pulls her knees to her chest and starts sobbing as her Aunt Lana walks into her room.

"Kade, darling. What's the matter?" She asks gently pulling her niece to her chest.

"I-I-I..." She sobs.

"Do you want me to call Ace?" Her aunt asks.

"But it's late he needs sleep..." Kade responds shaking her head. "I-I'll be fine." Kade hugs her aunt tightly and wipes her eyes with a weak smile.

"Alright, get some sleep kiddo..." Her aunt kisses her forehead before standing and hesitantly leaving back to her bedroom. As soon as Kade heard her Aunt's door snap lock she rushes to her phone.

Bear: Ace, I need you.
Ace: I'm on my way Bear.

Kade sighs in relief and slides down against her wall wiping her face again and staring at her phone.

Ace had insomnia so he never actually slept. He was always very tired but whenever Kade needed him, he would always be there. It was one of his fatal flaws...he was too nice.

Kade plays with a piece of her dark hair which were extremely bleached at the end and stripped of its color. She leaned her head back and smiles weakly at the ceiling when she finally heard a whistle outside her window. She runs to the front door and carefully and quietly opens the door.

Ace was standing beside the door. Kade collapses into his arms. She was sure her Aunt knew about some of the nigh time meetings, but she never spoke of it. Ace hugs her gently and rests his chin on the top of her head.

"Hey Bear, what's wrong?" He asks quietly.

"Nightmare...it was about Alisa this time..." Kade whispers her face still buried in his shoulder.

"Oh..." Ace says quietly. Alisa was Ace's younger sister and was actually the reason Ace and Kade were dating. They'd been going out for about four years now. He was a year older than Kade. 17 and 18, dating for four years, still holding strong.

"Ye-Yeah." Kade coughs. Ace runs a hand through her hair and cups her face gently squishing her cheeks, trying to lighten the mood. They both snicker quietly.

"I brought honey buns." Ace hands Kade her favorite treat.

"Ooooooo." She gasps softly taking the honey bun and walking to the steps of the porch and sitting down. Ace sits next to her, his dark brown bangs falling into his eyes.

"So how were classes yesterday?" Ace asks.

"They were okay I guess...same as usual." Kade says unwrapping her bun and taking a bite.

"Oh, well I'm sure things will get better." Ace nudges her before taking a bite of his honey bun.

"Psh, yeah right." She rolls her eyes messing with the wrapper before taking another bite. They are in silence until they were both finished and threw the wrappers in the waste bin next to the stairs and closing it again.

Kade leans her head against Ace's shoulder and he securely wraps his arm around her.

"Everything will be fine Kade." He assures her and kisses her forehead gently before wrapping her in a hug.

Kade melts into his embrace and silently cries. She hated crying in front of Ace, he always tried to make things positive even if they weren't. Ever since Alisa and Jewel's suicides, schizophrenia and depression had become part of Kade's every day life.

It didn't help that her parents both died in a car wreck.

Such a cliché life story...at least that's what she thought. Kade looks up at her boyfriend who was staring up at the starry sky and then down at her.

"Hi." She giggles.

"Hai." He chuckles. Kade gently brushes his bangs to the side so she could just stare at his eyes. Bright green. They generally made everything better for her. She smiles gently and buries her face in his chest.

Ace chuckles gently. Before Kade knew it, she had fallen fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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