No Waifu No Laifu

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It was raining harshly, the sun was hidden by massive luminous dark clouds. Each and every raindrop was as large as could be, some were almost bigger than peas. You could hear distant rumbling, and you knew what was coming.

It was an awful day to be without an umbrella, or to be outside for that matter. Still, there was one lone figure standing in the pouring rainfall. If you looked closer then you would notice smaller details, like if you looked past his soaked clothes and his red eyes, you would notice that his face was stricken with grief.

It was like a skeleton freezing his soul, then cutting the remaining piece up with large iron scissors. The iron scissors were burning and scorching, and his soul melted in agony every time he thought about what just happened. He felt his chest constrict every time he took a breath. He clutched his soaked, now ruined manga harshly. This man's name was Joey, and he was the Anime Man.

He had been standing there for hours in the pouring rain. His tears were falling freely from his eyes as he watched the low-standing electricity-posts crackle in small blue flashes each time a raindrop hit them. He could sense the tension in the air and could feel it in his eardrums.

His phone had rung at least thirty-two times, because he had lost count after that. It stopped ringing after a while, so he assumed that it was out of battery.

Despite his grief-stricken state, Joey still managed to smile despite everything. Something as mundane as charging his phone seemed laughable after all that had happened.

Oh, what exactly had happened you ask? The most horrid thought to ever exist came true.

His Waifu had died. His waifu was an immortal vampire, but she had died. It was all his fault.

Joey felt his smile twitch as he started walking. His tears were indistinguishable from the pouring rain at this point. He walked and walked. He walked until his feet were sore and until his manga was a soggy mess beyond repair.

He wished he had his friends to console him. Mangaboy and Tentacle-sama were among his many best friends, and he had hope that they would be able to understand the gaping hole in his chest.

They wouldn't.

The air tensed as he realised, no. They wouldn't understand. He dropped his soggy manga and tightened his fist as he understood that no one would be able to comprehend the attachment he had to his waifu Shinobu. His unstable smile finally slipped into a position of grief as he fell to his knees and closed his eyes.

Please. He pleaded to some god that was half-listening. Please let it be fake! Light flashed before his closed eyes and he opened them in time to hear the earth-shattering rumble of the wrathful thunder. Again and again lightening struck nearby and blinded and deafened him to the point where he was senseless.

He didn't hear it. He didn't see it. He felt it. The feeling of his bones being pushed and crushed by tonnes of weight. He was semi-calm before he realised what had happened.

He had been hit by a truck. He smiled to himself before pain began to consume him.

No Waifu No Laifu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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