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When my Soul is on fire
chasing away
my dreams into thin air
destroying my hope,
You sooth my pain
with your breath.

When my Soul is on fire
killing me from within
doubting my self worth.
You calm my thoughts down
with your embrace.

When my Soul is on fire
and it's burning
my pure existence to ashes
driving me to the edge
of insanity.
You heal my wounds
and bring me hope
with your support.

When my Soul is on fire
indecisive about
the value of life
not wanting to deal
with the pain anymore
wishing to forever be asleep.
You bring me back to life
by whispering in my ear
"I Love You, You are all
I need"

When my Soul is on fire
with cloudy days
and tears like waterfalls,
sadness and darkness
upon my days.
Your presence lift my Spirit
allowing me to see
the brighter days ahead.

When my Soul is on fire
and I am filled of energy
not been able to calm
my thoughts down.
You sit besides me
kissing my lips
talking to me for hours until
I fall asleep on your chest
listening to your heartbeat
making me feel safe again.

When my Soul is on fire
and I push You away
refusing to communicate
because I can't express
my pain.
You hear my silence
and sit with me quietly
just holding hands.

When my Soul is on fire
and I want to scream,
to run away and leave
everything behind.
You remind me of
how wonderful Love
can really be.
With just a word
from You,
For the sound of your voice
transport me
into your Soul.
Linking our Spirits
into electric energy
emerging as pure Love.

By: Ivelisse

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