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(Tasha's POV)

Today seemed like a normal day. I woke up, had my morning coffee, and went to work. Work was fine, no different than any other day, until I was about to leave. About 15 minutes ago, Kurt pulled me into his office and asked me to sit down. He had gotten some news from another unit that I wasn't going to like. He said,
"There's no easy way for me to say this other than to just come out and say it. Nathan was found unresponsive outside a bar last night. He overdosed on heroin."
After that, everything is blurred. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. Nathan is my brother. We took two very different paths in adulthood. I chose to make something of myself despite my past, but he chose drugs and alcohol. I tried everything I could to help him, but he didn't want my help. I knew this day would come, but I was hoping not any time soon. I'm able to hold myself together until I leave the building. I decide to walk instead of taking the bus. I keep thinking of all the things I should have done and could have done. Why didn't I do more? Why did he do this to himself? The streets are loud tonight. Horns are blaring, music is blasting, and people are shouting. My head feels like it's going to explode. I decide to take a few alley ways, shortcuts. I usually avoid them, they can be pretty dangerous. I don't care tonight, I just want to get home. I want to go home, but not to an empty apartment. There's so many memories in there. I pull out my phone and text Reade,
"I need to see you. Can I stop by?"
I keep walking in the direction of my apartment, I'll turn around if he answers. As I passed different groups of people, I hear the occasional cat-call. Something you hear quite often around here. I pick up my pace, wanting to escape from here as quickly as possible. I'm a couple streets from my apartment, so I check my phone; he hasn't answered. I text him again,
"Reade, its important. Please answer".
I keep walking, I feel the heaviness in my chest grow as I come closer to home. It seems like Nathan was just here and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves. I let out a shaky breath as I walk through the lobby. The first time Nathan came over, I told him to wait outside so I could make sure he didn't have anything on him. I shouldn't have done that, I should've trusted him. I walk up the stairs, at the very top step there's a bar that hangs from the ceiling. Nathan ran into it once because he forgot to duck, he's much taller than me. I hesitate at my door, maybe I should just go to Reade's anyway. He's probably just in the shower or something. I'd better not, maybe he has someone over. I take a deep breath and unlock the door. I step inside and shut the door behind me. I turn the light on to see Nathan's jacket lying on the couch. Tears fill my eyes and I fall back against the door. I slide down to the floor and sit with my head in my hands. I need to get out of here, I need to go somewhere. Patterson has a date tonight and Kurt is with his kid. I pick my phone up and check it again, he hasn't answered. I start to dial Reade's number, I feel so numb I can barely move my fingers. I put the phone up to my ear and wait. It rings five times, then goes to his voicemail. I hang up without thinking of leaving a message. I call him a second time, maybe he'll realize it's kind of urgent. It rings five times and goes to voicemail. This time I clear my throat and speak,
"Reade.. please call me back. It's, um, it's-", my voice cracks, "Nathan.. He's gone," I let out a sob before hanging up and slamming my phone on the floor.
"Dammit," I said, through my sobs. "Damn you, Nathan".
I stand up and throw my arms against the door. I need to go, I don't know where, just anywhere but here. I grab my phone off the floor and run out. I don't lock the door, it'll be fine. I run down the stairs and out the lobby. I stop at the sidewalk in front of the building to catch my breath and decide which way to go. I make a right, in the direction of Reade's apartment. I won't go inside, just see if his car is there. The tears are still coming out, but I'm not sobbing anymore. I really don't want to be alone right now. The streets are a little quieter in this part of town, there's less traffic. I came up to an alley way when I felt my phone vibrate. It's probably Reade calling me back. I reached in my pocket to answer it, but someone come out from the alley, making me glance up. At a second glance, I don't see them anymore, like they disappeared. I reach for my phone again, feeling a little nervous. Just as I pull it out of my pocket someone grabs me from behind. Their hand is over my mouth and I feel a prick in my neck as I reach up to remove their hands; my body goes weak.

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