I Need Coffee

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~This is my first story on here, so here goes nothing! I hope anyone who reads this likes it.~

"Yo, Tyler, there's a woman in room-"

"I've got a man in cardiac arrest, Jones."

"Oh my bad, I'll get Chase."

Tyler ran down the hallway of the hospital, scooting around every corner and person in his way until he reached the patient's room. The patient flatlined only a few seconds ago and Tyler was determined to get the man back.

"Where's the crash cart?" Tyler asked as soon as he came into the room; seeing nurses gathered around the man on the bed. He took over compressions for a nurse while she checked and got other things for him.

"Jenny's bringing it, there was an emergency in room 311 and they took ours in the hall."

"She better hurry, this guy's been giving us problems all night and I swore to his wife that he would be fine." Tyler looked at the heart monitor to see the line still flat.

It was already three in the morning and the man had coded three times in the past few hours. It gave him quite a scare and Tyler was starting to get worried that the patient wasn't going to get through this state. But he had faith that everything would run smoothly and he could go home with his family. That's all he ever wanted for any patient that came through the hospital doors.

"Jenny's here, everyone move. Power it up just like last time. We have to get him back." Tyler ordered as all of the nurses started doing what he needed them to. Everyone moved in sync, no one was out of line or place in the room. This is how Tyler's unit operated. Everyone knew what to do just as he needed them.

Tyler's mind cleared when he started doing his thing. He got lost in the job and started ordering things and continuing his chest compressions.

"Come on, come on," Tyler mumbled. "Today is not your day to go. I already told you that."

To Tyler, it was never anyone's day to go. But he couldn't control that. Just another day in the St. Rose Hospital for him.


"Good job with that patient again, doctor." a nurse said as she walked out of the man's room. Tyler was leaning against the wall rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, you too," he said and stifled a yawn. He hadn't had any good sleep in the past two days. He desperately wanted to find an empty room and lay down on one of the uncomfortable beds. Just an hour, or even thirty minutes. Just some kind of rest for him would do him good.

"There's coffee in the office if you need any. You look worn down." the nurse told him before she walked off to do something else for another doctor.

Tyler sighed and shoved his hands in his coat pockets as he started walking to the lounge to find coffee and a couch to sit on.

He watched everything pass by as he walked. A couple of beds rolling by as patients were prepped for surgeries and meeting with their doctors.

"Yo Tyler, Chase is looking for you." one of the guys that worked at the desk walked by and said.

"Tell him I'm in the office if he really needs me," Tyler said as he passed him and walked into the office. He closed the door behind him and went over to the coffee pot, already taking in the scent of fresh coffee. He loved his coffee during long days.

As soon as he sat on the couch with his small styrofoam cup of coffee, someone opened the office door and walked over behind the couch.

"I can't get five minutes? Five seconds even?" Tyler asked, already knowing who it was behind the couch. He put his head back and looked up at the arched eyebrows of Chase.

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