Chapter 4: Overrated

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Rain hates flying. And the shaking plane he was currently in wasn't helping the anxiety he was feeling at the moment.

This is seriously overrated, he though to himself as he clutched the arm rests.

He wasn't quite claustrophobic but staying this far up in the air in a contrciting space wasn't reassuring to Rain. And to make matter worst, the creep snow white guy with weird blue shaking eyes on the aisle next to his seat didn't stop staring at him. He tried ignoring it as much as possible but everytime he turned to tell him to stop, the albino had his head turned away. This only ticked Rain even more. This was not fun for him. He looked down at his watch and sighed.

Only four more hours to go.

If he hadn't known his limits, Rain would have tried swimming to Rio. But he knew a crazy idea when he heard it, even coming from him, The small girl sitting next to him started to slowly wake, and Rain dreaded the moments she would be conscient again. She had been pestering him and asking about the scar that was running down half of his face. The mother had taken sleeping pills when they first got inside the plane and had been snoozing in her window seat since. The place went into turblences again and Rain cursed under his breath. He felt the creepy guy staring at him again.

I am never flying ever again, wedding or no wedding.

Rain's sister was tying the knot tomorrow in Brazil and like the idiot he was, he took the plane instead of taking a boat a couple days ago. The storm outside shook the airplane again and lighting struck outside.

"Did someone scratch your face? Did you fall? Did the boogey-monster sneak up on you?"

Rain groaned and looked down at the source of the annoying voice firing all these questions at him.

Great, now she's awake.

"Tell me what happened," she pleaded, pulling at my sleeve.

"Go back to sleep," he said, looking in the albino's direction. He wanted to surprise him in the act and then tell him to fuck off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We will be experiencing some turbelences and ask that our passengers do not panic, for we will be passing through a sea storm. Please buckle up your seatbeats. Thank you."

People usually panic when we tell them not to. Rain is not an exception to that rule. Widening his eyes, he immediately summonded an air attendent. When he was waiting for the aid to come, he looked around. Everyone was quietly continuing on, not even flinching when the lighting struck up again.

"You look scared."

Rain stared at the albino, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Stop staring at me."

"Where did you get that scar?" he asked with his creepy blue eyes, moving from left to right continuesly.

"That's none of your business," Rain practically spat out. The albino remained quiet.

Finally, thought Rain as he saw the waitress arrive.

"How can I help you?" she aked as she turned the attendant light off.

"Can I please have some water?"

"Can I have peanuts?" asked the small girl next to him.

"Coming right up," smiled the attendant.

A minute later, Rainw as ready to strangle the girl.

If she pokes my face one more time...

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