Hoshi's 'Babysitter' [ Kai ]

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Sorry for late updates! >-< I'll work on them right away!!


Hoshi: *sighs* Why... Is... There... Nothing... To do!??...
Tasuku: Hoshi-san....
Hoshi: That's it! I'm off!! *runs away from Tasuku and Jack* See you later!
Tasuku: *looks bewilded*
Jack: *staring at Hoshi who just ran off*
???: Tasuku! Hey Tasuku?!
Tasuku: G-Gao!? What are you doing here?
Gao/???: Umm... I was going to go to Castle. Wanna come?
Tasuku: Is that okay with you, Jack?
Jack: Yupp.

At Castle.....

Tasuku: Is there an event going on?
Gao: Yeah.
Tasuku: I wonder if Hoshi is here...
Gao: Huh?
Tasuku: Hoshi ran off just before you came. She headed to Castle's direction though...
???: Come on! Stop treating me like a kid! I'm 13!!
???2: Stop making a big fuss here, Hoshi!!
Hoshi/???: I'm allowed to do what I want! I hate you Kai!
Kai/???2: You should have told me earlier! I would have stopped babysitting you earlier!
Hoshi: I'm off!! You're always on my tail everywhere I go! Now, shoo!!
Kai: *shocked*
Hoshi: *stomps off to the direction of her house*
Tasuku & Gao: *walk towards dumbfounded Kai*
Tasuku: 'you 'kay?
Kai: *nods slowly* Yeah.....
Gao: How long have you been babysitting Hoshi?
Kai: Hmmm... E-eight years..?
Tasuku: *eyes widen* Since she was five!?!
Gao: You were only ten too...
Kai: We have been close for so long but we always get into conflicts. Like the one you just saw.
Gao: Haha. At first, I thought you were siblings. So alike, yet so different.
Kai: Those traits... We probably got them from each other. Hoshi is in the end my closest friend. I'm not sure about her though. I don't know well enough about her to know about that. *sighs*
Tasuku: Kai-kun-san...
Kai: Kai...kun...san...?
Tasuku: Just like Hoshi. Sometimes she calls me Tasuku, but sometimes.... Tasukunnya ( Tasu-kun-nya ).
Kai: No wonder...
Gao: So... How did you get into your babysitting job you have now?
Kai: Hmm... I was walking home from school... When I bumped into her parents...
Gao: Huh?? Then... Where are they now?
Kai: That's not my right to tell you. Anyway, they suddenly asked me to babysit their daughter for money. Upon hearing that, I immediately agreed.
Tasuku: What... I thought you were quite shy..?
Kai: *blushes* I wasn't then. Well, when I went to the house, I saw no one. And I thought they were lying to me. Until... I heard footsteps coming out of a room. Hoshi's room. I didn't know then, of course.
Gao: What was your reaction??
Kai: I realised that she was the kid. Well... Once she turned 8, they did not want a babysitter anymore. Now, I just come to the house to babysit her for fun.
Gao: How... Did you babysit her?
Kai: Well... She did everything I asked her to do. Now... Not anymore...

Tasuku: I don't think we are here for chatting, though... Gao?
Gao: Yeah, see you around. We're friends now, right? Kai-san?


This was longer than normal.... Good job me. Hehe.
Thanks for reading!

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