There is someone I know
Who is brave, noble, and true,
He is someone not many men are;
You might know him, too.
Everyday he goes to war
Against the dreaded Foe,
And tries to show fallen victims
How their chains can be removed, you know.
He flashes his Sword around
To show them all the Truth,
And sometimes men allow that Sword
To slice their chains in two.
He tries to help many victims,
And fight many a villain;
Sometimes he thinks it's hard,
But he finds it's easy if he's willing.
Sometimes victims will scoff and jeer
At the Sword that could set them free,
And try to enjoy the chains they bear,
That sink them lower than the sea.
But he never loses heart
And cotinues to fight,
Even though his adversaries are powerful
And dark as night.
And every evening, when his work is done,
He comes home to his beloved ones.
He takes care of our needs, both physical and spiritual;
His loving care is continual.
He teaches us things we ought to know,
Like how to pray and 'ye shall reap what ye sow.'
Have you guessed who this man is yet?
It's so simple, you see.
He has a friendly face,
And looks a lot like me.
He's not the President in the White House,
Or a French musketeer,
But I love him all the same,
For he is so very dear.
He's a father and a husband
To my dear family,
And he likes to say a lot,
'The apples don't fall far from the tree.'
He may not be a king with riches to spare,
or a movie star in Hollywood who has not a care;
But he's my daddy and a mighty man of God, you see,
And for my family and I,
That's all he needs to be.
The Man of God (A Poem)
PoetryThis is a poem about the person who inspires me every day to be all that I can for God. (You could almost say it's written in the 'child's dialect'.)