A New Number One

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The national team was back in camp, ready to play their first game in a two-match set in October following the end of the NWSL season. With Hope suspended, it was Ashlyn and Alyssa's golden opportunity to prove that they deserved to take her place over each other. While the two remained friendly, there was an underlying tension between them now. Becky saw how that tension bled over into everything Alyssa did. She trained harder, was more vocal with her backline, and stayed after to work on positioning or ball distribution with Graeme when in camp. When she wasn't training our out with the gals she was watching some sort of game footage to watch for corrections or new methods to incorporate into her style. Even at home she was doing two-a-day sessions and working with Barnie in Kansas City to train new aspects into her form. Becky couldn't be mad at Alyssa though. She knew how important this chance was to her girlfriend.

Jill had been up front with the two goalkeepers after Hope was suspended. She told them that they would be splitting games for now. Neither complained – it was more time than they had been getting in games. Ashlyn had gotten the first game against Thailand. They were celebrating HAO and both were Tar Heels – it was a no brainer. Alyssa was given the second (and harder game) against the Netherlands. It was certainly a learning experience.

Following those games, Jill told them that for the time being, Alyssa would be the new number one. Right away Alyssa felt the pressure that would come with that jersey. Greats had worn it before her – both Solo and Scurry came to mind. And part of her felt wrong for taking it before Hope officially retired. Her friend had worked hard to earn that jersey and didn't deserve to have it ripped away from her. These were going to be the first games that Alyssa would be putting on the number one jersey for the full national team. It was the night before their first game and Alyssa pulled Becky aside after dinner to talk about the fears bubbling up inside her. The pair ventured to the hotel pool and kicked off their shoes before rolling up their pant legs.

"I just...can't even imagine playing in it. I have dreamed of it for sure but to actually do it, I never imagined it would be like this. In my mind, it is still Hope's jersey. She earned it – I have a handful of caps to my name." Alyssa spoke quietly as she leaned her head against Becky's after they sat down. The pair's feet were dangling in the pool.

"Sweetheart you earned those caps. I know it took you forever to get your first cap but you earned it. You are a kickass goalkeeper and everyone knows it. Talk to Hope. You two have been friends for a while now and just be honest with her. Tell her how you feel and I am sure she will put your mind at ease." It broke Becky's heart that Alyssa wasn't excited to wear the jersey. In her mind, Alyssa had clearly earned it. She just had to get the goalkeeper to see it for herself.

"But what if she is pissed that I am taking what's hers? I mean I would be if they gave my jersey to someone I didn't think earned it."

"How do you know she thinks that? Have you two talked about it?" Becky drew her head back slightly to look into Alyssa's swirling eyes.

"Well...no.... I have only really touched base with her since shit went down and made sure she was holding up ok. We have been texting since but nothing that deep." Alyssa can't keep eye contact with the defender.

"Then call her sweetheart. I am sure she is more than willing to talk to you. You need to sleep tonight and you won't until you have some piece of mind."

"Alright...I am going to go back to the room to do it – have some privacy. Will you walk me up?"

"Of course." The defender stood up and pulled the goalkeeper to her feet. They used the towels they had brought out with them to dry off their feet. After they slid on their sandals they headed back inside the hotel. They rode the elevator up to their floor and headed to Alyssa's room. They stopped outside and Alyssa drew Becky to her. She held her tight and inhaled the scent of Becky's apricot shampoo. The pair never shared rooms at national team camp per USSF rules. Becky squeezed her goalkeeper and pulled back.

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