Burning Alone Extra

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I wrote this for the sequel for my hunger games fanfic:


I stand in the crowd of girls for the third time. I'm still thinking about who I am and where I'm at. The escort explains how the past victor's names will be put in along with the normal names. I then think about Andrew. For all I know he could just be a made up character in my head. But I remember how I went to my room because of the powerful smell of hair spray. It all seemed so real. The escort then says that for excitement, she is going to pick the boy tribute first.

"Zane Glender," the woman says. I look over at the boys and see boys looking at others trying to figure out who it is. He steps out of the fourteen year old section and is led to the stage by four peacekeepers. "Any volunteers?" the woman asks. When no volunteers she says, "Now for the ladies!" I look at the other girls' faces. They all seem so brave. I then look over at Zane. He's looking over at the girls. It sorta seems like he's looking at me. I look away as the woman comes up to the microphone. "Cassie Klope." A little girl, almost as skinny as starved cat, steps out from the twelve year old section. She steps on the stage and the woman asks for volunteers. I feel my legs start to move. I don't know what's happening. Only that I'm walking to the stage and up the steps, looking at the little girl who walks off the stage. "What is your name, dear?"

I hesitate to say. Thinking if I say what I think my name is will make me look stupid. I act like I'm in total shock. The woman asks again and waits. She then asks again and a peacekeeper answers her. "Her name is Anna. Anna West." I recognize the man. I think.

"Very well then! Now both of you shake hands!" the woman says pulling my hand to Zane's. She turns us into the grey building and put us in separate rooms.

After a few minutes of waiting, a man, who said was my dad, walks in. He hugs me and whispers in my ear, "This is all I can tell you. President Snow wanted to kill you off slowly so you would suffer. Only a few people knew. But then the mayor said to keep you the way he had found you because he wanted a victor and he watched you win last year. There will be someone in the Capitol to help you remember what you forgot." He squeezes me tighter.

I pretend he was giving me a whole speech about how I could win and how he loved me and I say, "I can win," I let a tear out, "I promise." The man nods and walks out. No one else comes to visit me.


I sit on the red velvet couch. Rubbing my hands on the soft, soothing, surface. Zane sits next to me and does the same. "Have you ever seen the capitol?" I ask him.

"No. Just what's on TV. But that's it," he says putting his hands in his lap, "How did that peacekeeper know your name?"

"I honestly don't know..." I say.

"Do you ever talk to any peacekeepers?" he asks. I think back to when I was kicked in the back in the rose garden. Lying, I shake my head. "Well, we are probably going to meet a ton of peacekeepers at the Capitol. Maybe make some friends," he says giving a soft laugh.

I don't smile or laugh back. After a few minutes of silence, I ask him, "What district are we from?"

"District four. Do you not remember?" he says.

"No. I... I can't tell the difference between reality and dreams," I say in a voice letting him know I was about to cry.

"It's okay," he says taking me into a hug. I accept is hug and he says, "Cry as much as you want. I don't care." I my eyes water up, but they hurt and I can't seem to cry. The escort woman walks into the dining car.

"Oh you two will be best friends!" she says in a happy voice. "Even though you'll only be here for a little while, you get to enjoy the amazing food, the decor, and the people of the capitol!"

"You're not helping, Lia," Zane says squeezing me tighter.

"You aren't either by squeezing her to death!" Lia yells. She storms off into another car. I stand up and walk to the door that I think may lead to the bedrooms. Zane follows me, but I don't know how to tell him to not follow me with out being rude. I find a door with a sign beside it that says Girl's Room. I open the door, slip my shoes off, and slip under the covers. Zane closed the door behind us and he sits in a chair next to the bed. I can feel his eyes glued to me.

"Are you even tired?" he asks after a view minutes.

"No. I just want time to think," I say pulling the covers over my head.

I hear his muffled voice speak, "Maybe if you talked with me, you would start to remember." I ignore his request and think about Brian. His green eyes. Always staring at me...

I pull the covers off my head and look at Zane. Green eyes. He grins. I quickly put the covers back over my head to avoid his gaze. "Go away," I tell him.

"No. I have a right to be here," he snickers.

"Go away," I repeat, "Please."

"Oh! Okay! I'm so getting out of here," he says sarcastically. He laughs and says, "You really think you can force me away?" I get out of under the covers and head to the door. I have my hand on the door knob when he says, "Where you going?"

"Away from you," I say.

"No you're not! You can't get away from me," he says getting up from his chair. I quickly open the door, lock it from the inside, open it, step on the other side, and run away from the door. Luckily Brian... I mean Zane... is too stupid to realize it's locked from the inside. I run to the dining car and run into this grown man.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm the mentor for the District Four tributes. Now answer me!" he says.

"I'm Anna West. On of your tributes! Please don't hurt me!" I shriek blocking my face with my arms. I look at his blue eyes from between my arms.

"If you think that's going to save you in the arena, you sure are not ready," he smiles. Even if this man looks mean, I return a friendly smile. "Where's Zane?" he asks. I point to the door when it opens. Zane is fully of anger until he noticed our mentor.

"Hello," is all Zane says to the man.

"I'm Mel. I'll be your mentor," the man says putting out a hand to shake Zane's. I wonder why I didn't get a handshake.

"It's a pleasure of working with a true victor. Unlike in District 12," Zane snickers. He glances at me and looks back at Mel.

"I have a present for you, Anna," Mel says to me.

"What about me?" Zane asks.

"You already got yours. A handshake," Mel told Zane. Mel gives me a small box. "Don't open it until we get to the Capitol," he says.


hope  you enjoyed :)

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