New Intension

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Chapter 1. I'm Maggie. I'm 16. I don't usually say much, not like anyone cares enough to listen. I live with my uncle, Dave in Macon, Georgia. He took me under custody after he found out my mom would abuse me and pull me out of bed when I'm sleeping and yell at me for no reason. She was usually drunk, she never had a reason to be so abusive toward me. Today at school, the words continued, they've never stopped since 4th grade, everyone found out that my dad left my family. I walked through the halls hearing "skanky daddy's girl", "mute bitch,hope your mama finds you" those words went through my ear and implanted in my head. I came home and dropped my book bag and the floor and ran upstairs crying, ignoring my uncle's usual "how was your day, Mags?". I heard my uncle run to my door and bang on it, "Mags,what's wrong? Did something happen?" I didn't answer. I know he could hear me and I'm sure he just assumed it was the same thing as usual. He just sighed and said, "well, dinner is ready whenever your ready for it, I'll be down in my office working if you need me." I bolted up and stood by the other side of the door and lightly whispered "wait..". I know he heard me, Dave turned around and opened the door to see me, curled up in my dad's old hoodie and my eyes were all puffy. "What happened today?" Dave said sighing. I just shrugged my shoulders in a way of saying 'what hasn't happened?' He just hugged me and said "look, I know a lots happened since your dad left, and everything with your mom... but I'm taking care of you now." A few tears shred and I whispered, "I want my dad." I heard Dave start to cry as he hugged me tighter, "I know, you'll see him again one day." I bawled into Dave's shoulder until he heard the phone ring, he pulled away and went downstairs to work. I followed behind him and eves-dropped on his conversation, it sounded like he was talking to my principal. "It's just... Are you aware of what's been going on with Maggie?" the principal asked. "I'm aware of the taunting, which I've already tried putting her in different classes, but nothing has seemed to work, she never tells me how bad it really is." Dave said. "Well tell her that the next time something like that happens to her to tell me right away, I know she's gone through many hardships, I wish you guys the best." The principal, Mr. Collins said and hung up. I heard Dave pick up the phone and call a therapist, which worried me because my mom started going to a therapist which seemed to make her crazier and more abusive, I got so scared I started running down the stairs so fast that I tripped and stumbled down the stairs. "holy shit!! Mags, are you ok!" I was a little delirious that I kept yelling, "YOU CANT SEND ME TO A THERAPIST, ILL END UP JUST LIKE MOM! YOU CANT DO THAT!" Dave pulled me up and said, "it's ok! I'm not gonna get you a therapist if that's what you want, I would never do anything that would upset you." I lied down on the couch and fell asleep the rest of the night. The next morning, I skipped breakfast and headed straight to school to get it over with since it was Friday. After last period, two boys kept following me through the gym and eventually chased me into the locker room, they pinned me down to the floor and kept saying cruel things while trying to unbutton my pants,I was squirming and kicking and screaming. When one of them starting picking at my shirt, I felt both of them being lifted off of me and could just barely see two boys slam the punks into the lockers and punch them senseless. "Touch her again, and I won't stop next time, I'll beat you til your last breath you hear me?" I heard the taller one say. "You motherless prick! You can go straight to hell!" I heard the shorter one say. I covered my ears and waited til it was over. One of them tried to help me up but I was so scared I didn't know who it was. It was the taller one that beat up the punks,he helped me up and offered his jacket to cover up my ripped shirt, I accepted but remained quiet. "Do you need us to call someone?" the shorter one said. I shook my head 'No'. "Well we need to take you to the office before school closes, I'm Jack by the way, this is Alex.... Look we're real sorry those dirt balls tried to hurt you, we promise it won't happen again." I thanked them and let them lead me to the office where my uncle was standing waiting for me. "Where the hell were you? Why are you still here?" I gulped. "We'll explain." Alex said leading Jack and Dave somewhere to explain what happened a few minutes ago privately. I watched as my Uncle's head dropped to the floor in sorrow, he walked into the office without a word, I followed in and heard him say, "I'm gonna take 3 personal days off of Maggie's attendance, she and I will be traveling to Atlanta and she'll be back soon." I was confused on why he said were going to Atlanta for 3 days? Dave walked out and told me to come along, I looked back at Jack and Alex and waved 'goodbye'. "Dave! ... Dave! Slow down! Why are we going to Atlanta for 3 days? What's going on?" I kept asking getting into the car. "We're going to see your dad, he has a right to know what happened." My heart was in my throat and my stomach had a knot just thinking about seeing my dad again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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