1. You Only Have Me

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I think I always knew, it was obvious in the way he looked at me. The way his gaze lingered for to long,the look he so desperately tried to hide in his eyes. All the evidence was there, but I dont think it was that I blinded myself to it, or ignored it, but rather that I never truly acknowledged it for what it was. Or maybe that I was finding myself attracted to his overly possesive side... What ever my reasons, for not even I truly know what lead me to lead him down this path. It had started as attraction, then as I pushed the boundries it became obsession, then deadly obsession, until I finally pushed him over the edge onto complete insanity.
It was stupid.
I was selfish.
It's all my fault.
I drove him to this.
Now I am nothing.
I have nothing.
I have no one but him.
And he owns me.
.... But I dont dislike it.
.. In fact I think I like it.
"Tyler," The teacher says in that stern tone authority figures use when they just about to start lecturing you, "how many times do I have to tell you to pay attention to the lesson. Your scores won't improve if...." I stop paying attention to the teach as she continues her lecture. I elbow the red haired boy in the ribs to get his attention. I giggle as he stiffles a yelp. "Geez Nix, You trying to get me in more trouble?" He hisses sarcastically.
"Oh yes, definetly Tyler, that is my only goal in life. Plus when was the last time you actually cared about getting in trouble?" I reply with a smirk. Tyler has been my best friend since we were in dipers. We know practically everything about each other.
"Since now!"
"Ah, I see" I try to stiffle a giggle as I  watch Tyler pout. The teacher finally moves on with the lesson as me and Ty continue to joke around. Soon the bell rings and we head to our lunch break. Just as were about to enter the lunch room the school bully, Hunter, trips me and makes childish comments and uses over used jokes. Ty helps me up, punches the bully in the face, then wraps an arm around my shoulders and escorts me to our table. "I totally had that under control..." I pout.
"Sure ya did Phoenix, sure ya did" he replies a small blush creeping along his face.
"I could've taken him"
"But I could've," I pout "Ima big girl now, I can take care of myself! Plus since when were you my big older brother?"
"Yeah, I know but all we have is eachother. You can't really blame me for treating you like a little sister. I don't like it when people make fun of you. Plus we gotta look out for eachother ya know? Now quit acting like a little kid before I start treating you like one even more." He says pinching my cheek like a grandma. I reply with a snide remark and a joke and we laugh and joke until lunch is over.
But my thoughts are still on what he said "All we have is eachother." I mean it's technically true he's the only friend I've had since the beginning of middle school. Now in our first year of high school it's still the same. But it's not like I don't still have my family, I just don't particularly like them. Though Tyler always has been overprotective of me, more like a brother then my actual brother ever has been.
He's always been there for  when people were picking on me for all ways being smaller... in all areas. Soon enough everyone I thought was my friend pushed me away for whatever reason. Then people started picking on me for only having Tyler as a friend. For two reasons, because he's of the opposite gender, and because the whole red heads have no souls thing. I'm kinda sad all of it followed me to high school.
But through everything Tyler has never seemed so... possessive... or has he?

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