Outeye #1

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Outeye #1

Dill Wilkins. 2010.

I saw it. The whole thing, I say. There I was, taking care of Mr. Craw's fields when like no less than 6 feet away something black floated in the air. It was small and it was floating. I thought it was a bug but it didn't move. Something warned me, something told me not to get closer to it, and hell I was right. A sound like a thunder but more terrific almost left me deaf right when the black thing grew and, and it wasn't a thing but it was more like a hole and it sucked and sucked things nearby. It even sucked the air out of me, the air, I tell you, and I was at quite a distance. I just ran for my life, I was sure I was going to die, when I stopped running and remembered I was forgetting Mrs. Craw's basket in which she had brought me some meal for me to spend the day there. You might say it's just a basket, but I don't know, nothing makes sense when you're about to be sucked into a black hole by the devil! Then, in one second, it all stopped and the thunder noise was replaced with, how to say it, chokes. Human chokes and raspy guttural sounds, like, like the ones you hear when you're aching for breath. I turned around to find, and I'm not lying, I find this naked, young and golden-like-skinned girl squirming, trembling and trying to, well, to live! Hell, it scared the crap out of me! Her mouth was opened and her eyes were white, she looked like she was being drowned by something. I couldn't move, I was shocked. I still have the chills when I remember it. Now, there I noticed there was a boy lying next to her, but he was motionless. Probably dead, I thought, since he was as pale as a cloud. I ran to the house, screaming. Lil' Brooke heard me and was the first one to come, her face pale and worried for the urgency of my own screams. I'm not proud of it, but they didn't sound manly at all. The golden girl struggled for a while. Brooke stood up in shock when she saw the picture from a distance. By the time she arrived, the golden girl's eyes were red and swollen. Brooke didn't hesitate and kneeled beside the girl, first covering her body and then trying to help her to breathe. She cried nervously, and also cried a few curses – she always did when her parents weren't around – and surrounded the golden girl with her arms to help her better. It seemed to work. The strange girl struggled for a while but then, she fell unconscious. Brooke looked relieved because apparently the girl was breathing normally now. Then, Brooke simply asked me to carry the male body while she carried the golden girl. The boy's skin was humid. Humid like, I don't think it's the right comparison but, like that of a frog. He wasn't breathing but he couldn't be dead. He was as light as a feather. And there was a gold bracelet in the boy's arm. Francis, it said.


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