Chapter 1

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It was chilly and all I could hear was my breath in the late winter evening. It was well past dark. I was out walking around the streets trying to clear my head after a fight I had with my parents.

It was really quite cause all the shops were closed. There would be the occasional drunk straggler on his way home to the missis, or misters I don't judge. But other than that I was alone.

I passed an alley were a man was and speeded past. I couldn't see his face but but something about him was... creepy.

I suddenly bumped into a mare. I couldn't see her face either but it was covered by the hoodie she was wearing. She growled and kept walking at the same quickened pace she was going.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to see the girl just disappear down the alley. I followed.

I stopped just before the opening of the alley. I heard growling and shouting from two people in a different language with a lot of rough sounding words.

Suddenly it sounded like something being slammed against a wall. I froze. I heard more growling and then I heard it. The sound of flesh ripping and finally snaping back to whatever it was attached to.

I peered carefully around the corner to see something bent over and ripping at the dead man from before. I felt my eyes grow wide.

I gasped and stepped away from the safety of the wall and and the mare stopped from her vicious behavior and looked at me. I now had a clear look of her face.

She had cold dark, hard, blue eyes, brown wavy hair and big k-nines with blood dripping from her face and a puddle of blood around her hoofs and around the dead man. I know her.

Yes, this was no stranger but an old friend from highschool that I still went to college with. Her name was Mckenna Manceyato.

She peered down the alley at me, her teeth bared in a growl. She started slowly walking twords me.

I felt my self walk backwards and I turned to run but before I could even start running she tackled me, and with incredible strength she threw me down the alley and with an omf I land hard against wall with the dead ripped apart colt next to me.

I tried to crawl away from the sickening scene but was pushed once again against the wall and she was above me.

I tried to scream but she covered my mouth with her hoof. She was close enough to feel her breath and I could see some flesh still in her teeth. She had a collar on with an upside down crucifix on it.

She looked me dead in the eyes. I tried struggling out of her grip but to no avail. Tears streaming down my face I closed my eyes and awaited my death.

Then the weight was gone. Was I dead? I opened my eyes and she was gone, along with the body.

I looked around in the darkness. No pony was to be found. Just a pool of blood

I stumbled to my hooves and noticed that she got blood on my hoodie. I took it off not wanting to look suspicious or anything.

Once I was home everypony else was already asleep. I crawled up the stairs and into my room. I set the hoodie in my closet then jumped into bed.

I was thinking of how I was almost killed and I couldn't stop. I slowly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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