Part 1

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You've heard the legends, everyone has.

The tale of King Alexander Castaway, and his 13 comrades. How they fought in their battle against Oryx to save the nexus. Alexander was and still is unprecedented in his leadership skills, he was a tactical man, who loved to stand for his people and would do whatever it took to do what's right for the realm.

How could a man like that have failed in his mission?

People have speculated for decades now, but no one knows fully why or how it all happened. Well, no one apart from I, that is.

It's been about three hundred years since the fight began, when Alexander took to the throne and started his conquest against the Mad God Oryx, with his Queen, Thessal at his side. The task seemed impossible, and in all honesty, it was. So the King waited, observed and planned.

Oryx, Destroyer of Realms, the God with unimaginable levels of power was practically unstoppable. His evil flooding throughout the world, it wouldn't be long before he would find his way into The Nexus, the one safe zone for humans. Where they could live without the constant fear of Death knocking on their doorstep.

Throughout the captured Realms, he spread his plague of hatred, summoning minions and killing off any who opposed him, until eventually there was no longer a realm that had not been infected by Oryx's touch.

Alexander had waited long enough, watching and studying his enemy. It was finally time to take action. But, no matter how powerful Alexander's abilities were, they were nothing compared to Oryx, he couldn't even hinder the Mad God's plans if he were to fight alone. Luckily there was another option.

The 13 Other Heroes. We all know them.
Wizard: Unrivaled in his magical ability, his offensive skills are not to be messed with.

Priest: Supportive, a essential to a team, his tome allows him to heal his allies around him.

Archer: With his bow and quiver, he is a masterful hunter, piercing through multiple enemies at once and leaving them paralyzed with his quiver.

Warrior: No one stands against the warrior when it comes to hurting people, his helmet allows others around him to gain morale, fighting harder and faster.

Rogue: The fastest of the bunch, the best for when it comes to dealing with stealth situations, in his trust he is unreliable but in his skill he has no one to call a rival.
Paladin: The most trustworthy and reliable hero around, his seal drives his friends forward, encouraging them to do better, he will be at your side if you give him the respect he deserves.

Knight: The Knight is known for being able to take a hit, and a dozen more if necessary, with his outstanding durability and shield, he stuns enemies and decimates them.

Assassin: Similar to the Rogue, his reliability can be bought at a good price, using his poison to, well, assassinate his enemies from a distance, good in a battle where getting close is a danger not willing to risk.

Necromancer: A undead being who controls life around him, sucking the energy from his enemies and feeding it to himself and his comrades.

Huntress: Another bow user, her traps leave enemies trapped, slowed by the damage of it or even paralyzed, held tight by its grasp.

Mystic: With her orb in hand, she leaves her enemies in a state of limbo, unmoving and trapped in place until the effects wear off. She's great if you don't want to handle certain enemies.

Trickster: Another dagger wielder, using her prism she teleports all over the place, leaving decoys about the area to distract and confuse her enemies.

Sorcerer: Using his scepter, he can destroy his foes with chain blasts of powerful lightning, leaving devastation in his wake.

Ninja: A powerful ally to have on the team, his star shreds through enemies mercilessly, as does the katana he holds in his hand, a fast and reliable friend. Honor is what he speaks for.

These heroes are not a singular entity, for they are souls wandering about the world, searching for bodies to call a host, bodies powerful enough to carry their abilities with them. These 14 heroes all existed, and all had a form of link, together, they held the ability to kill anything in their wake.

Alexander did not know the whereabouts of the heroes, and turned to his wife, Thessal for help. For Thessal had telepathic abilities unknown to man, granted to her as Goddess of the Sea. She identified a lone wizard wandering the realm, his abilities much more powerful than any other wizard out there.

And so the King set off on his journey, the Wizard was the first stepping stone to defeating Oryx. Everything was about to be set into motion.
He just needed to find the Wizard, first.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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