Chapter: Prologue

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Many years ago there was a kingdom with a beastly king. He showed no mercy to his enemies or to his allies. He spat upon the weak, burned houses for pure joy, and had stolen women from their homes. The people had named him King of Malum and feared him deeply.
Trying to over throw the king was pointless due to his own powerful and yet, terrifying strength.
On the day of a festival the king threw every other month for a new victory, a boy had ran off into the woods to search for an elderly woman who was said to be a witch. The boy found the hut she was said to live in and knocked on the wood door quite harshly. He awaited an answer and when it came he spilled to the witch about the king. She listened and smiled to the boy, inviting him in.
"I will help you boy but you must do one thing for me." She said.
The boy nodded quickly saying that he would do anything. The witch smiled and handed the boy a note. In the note was a summons, telling the king he was needed deep into the forest. It did not specify for what but the witch knew the king would take the opportunity to show his strength and courage to any situation. With the note clutched in his hands tightly, the boy ran. He ran back to the festival and left the note with his father who worked for the Guard. The Guard protected and served the king whenever necessary.
As the festival came to an end, the king recived the note and left first thing in the morning.
He traveled far into the he forest only to run into an old beggar. The beggar asked for anything that might get her through the night.
The King, who was greedy, selfish, and merciless, had beat the old beggar into an inch of her life.
The baggar got up and smiled, surprising the king and took off her cloak.
It was the witch who then threw a bottle down at the kings feet. The bottle shattered and a thick black smoke rose up and traveled into the king. The King inhaled all of the smoke unwillingly, fell. He rolled on the ground now fighting an unbearable pain. His body was changing and as it was the last words he heard where from the witch.
"You will become the beast you are. Stalking the night and hiding from civilization." With that the kings hands became horrible claws, his bones cracked and shifted turning his face into that of a wolf. The transformation was finished soon after the witch had spoken.
The king had now become a wolf but only somewhat. He still stood on to legs, though they weren't human. His body was a wolf but he walked and stood as a human. His eyes had changed from green to a blood red, his once black hair was now jagged black fur. The rings that where once on his hands, now scattered around him. His fancy clothes made from the finest cloth, now torn and littered the ground along with the rings.
The king rose his clawed paws to his face. He wasn't human, not anymore. He was a beast, a demon. He was horrible just like the was in life.
From that day the king grew more and more angry, he searched for the witch who seemed to disappear completely. He killed anyone and everyone in his way.
Meanwhile the boy grew up, he became the new king and the only ome with the secret of how to kill the werewolf who used to rule.
As years passed, more people became werewolves. More people killed and turned others and more became angry.
The new king shared his knowledge with the kingdom on how to kill the beasts.
Silver and only silver can kill them.
You must cut off the head with a silver sword or else they will only come back.
Anything other than silver will not harm them or even penetrate their skin.
So, with this, the war between humans and werewolves began.

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