the living nightmare

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this is a short story i did a few years ago tell me what you think.

sorry it is a bit depressing

The living nightmare

The whistling trees, the shuttling of rats around the grave stones and, and there is something else too shimmering in the moon light. I know what it is but can't stop walking towards it, the curse that must happen every night, it is death that is shimmering, nothing but death. there is nothing I can do I must get closer hoping and praying that I am wrong and that they are not there. But no, they are there like always, it is the curse of the night. There is a scream in the night, my own scream. I am home, I am safe for now and best of all I do not need to worry about it until the next night when I will have the same argument with my parents saying that I might not have the nightmare again. It happens every night like clockwork. Then there is my Nan always saying that "the dreams are a sign and she will be the most important person from this earth" what did that even mean from this earth?

8:00am bleeps and it is time to get up. "Hi everyone, don't worry about the scream it was only me" I announced blearily but No one is here they have all gone and no note, that is not like them. This is like the dream, that night mare. I know exactly where they are but do I dare face my fears, face my night mare. Yes I must stop the monsters from swarming like flies devouring those I love.

The grave yard the exact same one that has haunted my dreams like a shadow and dug up a fear that most people won't even be able to comprehend. I can't go in, it is almost impossible to look away let alone walk in any direction, how can I help them when I can't even move? Another scream whether it was mine or someone else's I don't know but it's enough to snap me out of my paralyzing fear. I walk straight through the rusting gates that are turning a copper colour and into the dark, dark trees in which I see them, I see the dead. It is now 8:30am and outside it is blazing sun shine but here in the grave yard it is pitch black like midnight on a cold rainy day in winter, even the sun had the same ghostly shine as the moon. What do I do now?

In my dreams it seems so clear it is like I know what to do but this is different this is real life. I need a plan I can't just walk up to these blood thirsty things and just hope that they are friendly and want to talk because that just does not happen, ever. I know that people say "don't judge a book by its cover" but these "books" have been blood thirsty for centuries so there is no hope there, so what am I going to do? There they are, I can see them now, the ghosts, a transparent white colour just like what people might think that ghosts would look like but with one main difference. The teeth perfect for killing their victims with the smallest of effort.

There is a rustle in the branches and an ice cold chill. I'm not alone I can smell it's bad breath forcing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end and I can feel it's cold hand grasp my shoulder like a boa constrictor pushing me forwards out of the shadows. It makes sense now why in my dreams I have to get closer. My Nan was right in a weird way, I could see this coming and I will be the only person that is alive that can stop this and help.

It is cold ice cold and it is everything I can do not to shiver and it is even harder now that the ghosts have surrounded me and are closing in around me. I am going to die I can tell and I don't need any stupid dream to tell me that. If I am going down then I am going down with all my questions answered and them regretting ever hurting my family. They are now even closer and I am so scared that every nerve has died. I can't feel a thing. They say that is the brain's way of stopping pain, to try and stop us from suffering and it is working. All my fear is just melting away like sand through your fingers and is being replaced with dumb confidence. The longer I stand here the stronger I feel in myself

"Where are they?" That was my voice coming from me and suddenly I know what it is I have to do. This is my dream, it was always going to happen it was planned years ago I don't have a choice but you have to live with that. Now is my time

"I SAID WHERE ARE THEY?" I am screaming now out of pure hope that they are alive and will always remember me. The ghosts are now looking confused like they don't know what I am talking about

"Do you mean your family? They are safe for now but you should have stayed away at least then you would live" That sound came from everything but at the time nothing. It was a haunting voice and I know how to stop it haunting anyone else's dream ever again.

"I know how to stop you."A cloud of laughter washed over me as soon as I spoke

"That would mean that you die. Do you really think you can make that sacrifice?"

"Yes I can. And we all die every one of us and this is..."

Dying is easy, it is accepting that everyone dies that is the hard part. I sacrificed myself so then the ghosts could not harm anyone ever again. Don't ask me how because I honestly don't know but the instant they killed me the vanished from the face of the universe and well what can I say ,it was my time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2010 ⏰

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