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**please keep voting and commenting, thank you! Oh and sorry they aren't that long, it's Easter holiday and I'm revising a lot! I've got 11 mock exams coming up in the next month! Save meeee!**


I let out a light breath knowing we've just landed in Turkey!

"Finally, that was the longest 5hours of my life!" The tone of Harry's voice sounded like he was either happy to get off this metal flying machine or to get away from us.

Bruce and mum didn't stop talking to Hazza the whole way, I eventually got annoying with it and mason running around and Lamar snoring like a pig.

I hate plane rides unless they're with just me and Kourtney, she's the best person here to fly with.

About 20minutes later we finally able to get off the plane.

Kylie was the first one to open the door and step out, but before she took her second step she slammed the door shut again and let out a loud gasp.

"Ky what's wrong?" Scott just ran over to her holding her shoulder like she's scarred for life haha!

"Fans..about 1000! How the fuck did they get on the runway?" She looked back at Harry and Kendall.

They're Harry's fans! They don't know we're on here with him!

"Harry you've got to go out there and pull the fans away! I'll meet you at the hotel, we all will!" I nodded at Harry telling him it will be fine. He just looked down and opened the door and shutting it after him.


After I slowly shut the door, I could feel the heat hit me in almost seconds! It must be like 60degrees? And it's 6:38 in the morning!

I did all I could to drag the fans away.

Them flashin in my face every second caused me to stumble every so often trying to get towards the gate to get in the airport building.

Sometimes I really wish things were different.

I could have some privacy, and go anywhere I want without annoying fans or bodyguards telling what or not to do!

But I know that's not going to happen anytime soon.

I enter the main building to see body guards helping me through the crouds towards the car.

Wait, are there any fans behind?

I lifted my head up, and sighed in relief knowing that most of the fans are outside now.

The bodyguard threw me in the car slamming the door straight after..literally.

I waved through the windows before slowly driving through the paparazzi.

I sure hope Kendall and her family is okay.


We waited in the jet for half an hour before we knew if it's clear to go out.

"Kylie is it clear now?" I slumped on the chair is total boredom.

"There's about 3 more guys snooping around, the piolet is dragging them away from the runaway". I breathed out a very loud sigh.

"Kendall sit up, you're a lady." My moms tone made me sit up like I was part of the royal family or something.

Harry is taking so long, I might aswel sleep here for the night until he gets into the car.

Mason was fast asleep in Scotts arms, and then that just wants me to fall asleep in Harry's.

My face just drops then..

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