Meeting Hayes

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Hayes POV:

"Hayes, get down here!"

I heard my mother yell from downstairs. I groaned as I made my way out of bed. It was about 6 o'clock in the afternoon and i was still in bed. I know that it was late but its not like i didnt do anything all day... i had a lacrosse game for my summer league team earlier in the day and i was to lazy to do anything after it.

I walked down to my mother and she started talking about how we have new neighbors and that she wanted me too walk over and introduce myself.

"and Hayes, they have a girl that's your age, so please take a shower before you go, i can smell you from over here!" My mother giggled. I ran upstairs and quickly took a shower and got dressed. Since the day was pretty much ending i just wore khaki pants and a t-shirt. Once i was ready, i started walking to my neighbors house.

I ran their doorbell and when the door opened i saw the most beautiful girl in the whole world...

Ali's POV:

I heard the doorbell and i quickly ran downstairs to answer the door. Wow, company already? We have only been here for less than an hour, haha.

I opened the door, to see a really hot boy that looked my age...

"Hi, I'm Hayes, I'm your neighbor that's right next door... my mom told me to come and introduce myself." He said.

"Oh hi, I'm Alison but you can call me Ali." I replied.

Hayes POV:

Alison... or Ali... doesn't matter, both of them were so pretty. But not as pretty as she was. She looked about 5 inches shorter than me, and was really skinny.

This girl somehow made me forget how to breath... and i have only known her for about 20 seconds.

I flipped my hair and started to speak again,

"Alison.. thats a nice name." i said complementing her. I could she her cheeks starting to get a rosy colored. I had made her blush.. I started smiling at the thought.

"Hahah thanks. Hayes is a nice name too... i like it." she said back, but this time i was the one blushing.

"So Ali, what grade are you?" i asked.

"I'm going into eighth grade once school starts again in September.. I think the school is called.. uhh.. Daysson.. or something like that--" i laughed as she tried to pronouce the schools name.

"Davidson Day. Hahah thats where I go.. I'm going into eighth grade too." I told her

"Good that way i will at least know someone!" she laughed.

Her laugh was amazing. The way she smiled as she giggled made me melt. I was seriously falling for the new girl next door.

before i was thinking i invited her to a party tomorrow night that one of my friends was throwing for the end of school. I felt like i was about to throw up and i waited for her response. What if she says no? i probably just ruined my chances with this girl.

"Oh yeah it sounds like fun! I'm not gonna lie though, I'm kinda nervous considering i wouldn't know anyone there. But i mean I'll have you so it'll be fine." I started smiling from ear to ear. She said yes!

"Haha don't worry, I mean like you said... I'll be there."

" i can't wait." she replied with a smile almost as big as mine on her face.

"I'll come by tomorrow and we can walk over. What do you say I come over around 530ish? The party is at 545."

"Yeah thats fine."

then i noticed her shirt. It had a lacrosse logo on it. Not only was this girl attractive and funny, she played lacrosse just like me!

"oh hey thats a cool shirt, do you play lacrosse?" i asked

"haha yeah its my favorite sport!"


we started laughing and we talked a little more. Before I knew it I was making my way back up to my bedroom.

I laid on my bed as I started thinking about what just happened...

Ali's POV:

After Hayes left it finally hit me. I knew that i had heard that southern accent and seen that cute face of his before. He was the boy that Emily, and Hayley showed me earlier today! Man whatta small world...

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