1. Unpacking the baggage

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"We didn't need to move," I say for what feels like the millionth time.
"Yes, Lily we did. It'll be good. New house, new school, new start."
She'd been forcing that mantra into my head for the past week. It was an understatement to say that I was sick of 'new' things.
"Plus," she continues " your father and I are now closer to work anyway and we have already met the neighbors. They're very nice. I believe the eldest son-"
"Mum wait," I grab her wrist to stop her from walking away, babbling about the neighbors. "You do understand why I did it, don't you?"
She sighed but her eyes softening. "Yes Lily, I understand."
"You just don't agree," I add with a frown.

She cups my cheek with her palm, peering into my face with the look only a mother can employ so successfully- somehow managing a look of tender concern whilst also disappointed as hell " I was young once too, my darling- I do understand, I just think there were other ways to make your point." she drops her hand with a wan smile. "But it doesn't matter. What's done is done." she takes a breath, turning back to the car with her hands braced on her hips" Now let's get everything inside before it starts raining." I stare after her as she bustles off to the front door with my dad in tow, lugging a giant bag that I am pretty sure she could fit inside; my face feels heavy- I don't think my mother and I will ever fully get past this, she'll never look at me the same, not now, not without that gleam of reproach in the back of her eyes- a memory of me stained there forever. 

I groan, turning around to get a box from the back seat. 
My best friend, Reece, pats my back.
"Don't stress, Lils, I agree with what you did- even if your mum and dad don't."
"Yeah but you have to agree. Your my best friend- it's a legal obligation that you agree with me." He chuckles in the slightly giggly way of his.
"I don't think that's strictly true but still I'll go along with it because..." he takes the box I was holding out of my hands and marches towards the door, tipping his head back to call, "Your mum loves me more!" 
True. "Not true! "I yell after him picking up another box and sighing as I look up at the house.

Well, too late to turn back now...


"no uniform" we've taken a break from unpacking, having just suffered the trauma of manhandling my furniture up the stairs and into my new room.
"hmm?" I turn my head from where I sit leaning against the bed to look at Reece- he's laying on his back, his head dangling off my mattress, munching on a wanton- he's eaten about thirty and I was starting to consider holding an intervention before he interrupted the thought.
"positive about your new school- there's no uniform" he rolls over, and looks at me expectantly. "so think of me on Monday when I'll be enduring the torture of a double period with Miss Van in my shirt and blazer in that stuffy English room without air conditioning"
" hmm" I consider it "the one with those prison windows that open less than an inch"
"the very one"
I smile, darkly and at Reece's expense- glad that I won't ever have to experience that again. "you're right that does make me feel better. I really don't know what they do with all the money they get- they can't ever prevent students dying from heat stroke"
He makes a vague sound in agreement.
" you know though," I start, tilting my head up to look at him, " you're gonna have to get used to suits and blazers if you're going to take over the world as a businessman"
"Na, I'll be a billionaire in jeans." he smiles.
"I don't doubt. You'll stun your rivals into submission though casual attire."
He laughs and we forget about school for a while as we think about our futures after this year. 

"You gonna go for it with the art stuff"
"college?" He nods
"I dunno" I sigh, dropping my head back against my bed and staring at the blank wall in front of me "My mother would disown me"
" you love it Lils. It's in your blood like nothing else. You'll always see the world differently and it doesn't  matter how much you study, you'll never have that same passion for anything as you do art. Tell me I'm wrong"
As I stare at the wall I know he's right, I'm already tracing invisible colors on it in my mind. I turn away from my painting plans" well maybe I don't need to be passionate about my career" I suggest optimistically, shrugging my shoulders. He shoots me a deadpan look.
"well, what about you? you can't tell me you have business and stocks and investors in your heart"
" No, but I crave the competition, the money, the power- that is my passion- building something out of your own hard work- earing all of your success." I know that's important to Reece- he wants to earn his name, his position. He comes from a wealthy family, but he's never seen the money as his- hated when his parents through it at a problem- it's why his car's so crappy: he worked double shifts and overtime over summer to afford it second-hand from a scrappy bloke in town- the way it runs I don't doubt it's tenth-hand by now.

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