Chapter 1

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A/N: Heey my lovelies <3 this is my first book so don't judge, please! I love writing about people falling in love.... Also about stuff that matters to me. If you have any suggestions, critiques, questions, comments, or concerns... Please comment or message me! I will reply to all!!

Please enjoy this book!!

I love you guys!!

Monday mornings, a teenagers worst nightmare. That annoying day after the weekend where you have to return to the hellhole we call school, see Satan who tries to teach you algebraic expressions and proctorial equations, but also get tortured by his minions or as everyone else calls them "students" on an everyday basis. And being a new student does NOT help with the whole Monday situation.

I awake cocooned in my cheetah comforter. My alarm hadn't gone off yet so that meant that I would be able to sleep for longer. "Thank goodness" I thought, but not even a minute later beep beep beep beep beep wake up! beep beep beep. I groan as i sit up reaching for my phone to stop my alarm. I yawned and throw myself back into bed trying to take a little nap before I had to dress my half naked body.

I hear foot steps coming down the hallway, I throw myself up and stagger over to the mirror and sit in front of it. The door opens as a blurry figure walks in "I'm up" I say in a groggy tone. "Good morning hun" says a soft voice, I can't see the person I assume to be my mother because I left my glasses on my night stand... so much for being prepared for a burglar. The figure walks and grabs my glasses, and hands them to me... I was right it is my mother. "Morning" i say as I begin doing my makeup "what time is it?" "7:04" my mom says as she starts playing with my messy head of curls "hurry up, you have to be there by 7:30 and I have unpacking to do" she kisses my head and slips out of the room.

I groan as I mess up my eyeliner and start over, by the time I finish it's 7:19. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on gray Victoria secret sweat pants, a black cami, and a gray sweatshirt. I run down the stairs, throw on my black vans and run out the door. "Jess! Forgetting something?" My mom calls only a few feet away holding up my bag, I groan and run back, give her a quick kiss and run out again. My mom looked so worn out, her pin straight, dirty blonde hair was loosing it's liveliness... If you look deep enough into her hazel eyes you can see the sadness lingering. It killed me to see it but I know my mother is a fighter and she has fought in the hardest of wars and still won, I knew that she was ready to surrender but she still hasn't, showing how strong she really is.

I begin heading down the road, I'm only a few blocks away from school so there was no problem. I wasn't really nervous but I wasn't super excited either, I can see the school from a few blocks down "here we go... Great." I walk up to the school to see groups of boys and girls talking in little groups scattered all around the front of the brick built school. It's only October so it's only about a month into school, almost all of the girls are wearing skinny jeans and half tops. I was told to go straight into the office and find out my classes and schedule, I begin walking into the school when I hear a whistle.

I turn toward the noise and see a guy about 6'1 standing about 7 feet away, he has a buzz cut and is wearing baggy jean and an American eagle shirt. He's talking to a blonde headed girl that is obviously in love with him because she is staring at him in awe. "Hey ma" he gives me a wink, I roll my eyes at the remark "whistle at me one more fucking time, I'll rip your dick off and feed it to your little bimbo," he looks at me in surprise and the blonde headed girl gives me a dirty look. "Never mind she'd like it too much" I begin walking away but i can still feel the girls eyes on me and can hear the soft snickers. I then reach the front door and enter my first day of hell.

I walk into the school and see a sign that reads 'the main office' and a sign pointing to the left. I slowly glide over there to find a door leading into a large office. There are people circulating in and out, people who I assume to be teachers and students. I walk up to the counter when a woman with short, blonde, curly hair and a beige suit is sitting looking at a computer screen with her glasses on the tip of her nose. "Can I help you?" Says the woman, I hesitate; startled by the woman's break in silence. "Y...yes" I manage to stutter out "I'm new, my mom told me to come straight to the office, for my schedule and stuff." The woman stares at me over her glasses, "oh you must be Jessica gray! Hi, I'm Mrs. Greg I'm the secretary I'm gonna go make a copy of your schedule and grab the guidance councilor Mrs. Henry. I take a seat on the chairs lined up against the window and the bell rings, students begin pouring in from all directions and each one of them takes the time to stare at me.

Today was gonna be tough

A woman walks in, she is about my height which means she's about 5'2 and she has a small nose piercing. She isn't wearing anything too formal, just skinny jeans and a black top. I have never seen a teacher so pretty, her olive skin and her dark brown curls all glowed. "Hi Jessica! I'm Mrs. Henry, here's your schedule and I'll show you to your first class." I look at the paper she just handed me and begin following her outside of the office. We walk down a long hallway passing many students, she shows me to my locker where I put my stuff and then directs my to my first class, Physics.

Mrs. Henry walks up to the door and knocks, a man in about his mid 20's opens the door. "Mrs. Henry, always a pleasure" she give him a small smile "hello Mr. Cordova, this is Jessica she's new today, I'm sure you'll take good care of her." He turns to me and gives me a smile, I push a stray curl that was hanging in my face behind my ear. "Hello Jessica! It's a pleasure to have you joining my class!" I can hear he chatter starting to erupt in the classroom "you can call me Jesse" I give him an endearing smile and he returns it. "Okay, do you need anything else for right now?" Mrs. Henry says breaking the silence "no, thank you for showing me I my class" I smile and then enter the classroom.

All eyes fall on me, I become very insecure and keep brushing my hair out of my face. "Class this is Jesse... Jesse these are the future criminals of America, make sure to watch FBI's most wanted to see what happens to them" he gives me a wink and directs me to a seat. It's directly in the back and I'm alone so it feels perfectly normal for me, I just take out my notebook and pay attention to the teacher. After what feels like eons I begin doodling in my notebook and staring out the window.

"Hey Jesse" a whisper like voice says pulling me out of my thoughts and back into reality. I turn my attention to a very tall guy, his lips are curved in an infectious grin as his dark brown eyes pierce mine, his dark shoulder length curls perfectly frame his face perfectly, he has a very pale completion but it suits him nicely. I just stare at him in awe, "hello?" He gives me another grin and a giggle, "hey?" I say questionable as I sit up straighter. "I'm Zane... Oh and this is Aidan" he points to the girl sitting next to him I give them a weak smile. "Hi" coming out much more annoyed then I mean it to be, I go back to doodling not knowing what else to say.

"This is awkward" says Aidan, she has a red headband in her boy short brown hair, she has really pale skin and hazel eyes. She was beautiful, I could tell she was a tomboy because of the way she dressed; but it suit her. Zane and I simultaneously giggle, "can we see your schedule?" Aidan says holding out an open hand. I reach into my folder and pull out my schedule and give it to Aidan, "Zane look, we have all classes with her!" She smiles at Zane and he grins at her. "Just follow us" Aidan says handing me back my schedule and giving me a wink, "do you mind sharing what is so important that you have to interrupt my lesson" Mr. Cordova gives Zane, Aidan, and I a stern look. Then he bursts out laughing, "okay I tried being a serious teacher for once but I can't, but seriously guys stop talking" then he turns back to his lesson...

Coolest teacher ever

For the last 20 minutes I doodled in my notebook until the bell rang. When the bell rang I gathered my things and looked up to see Zane and Aidan standing a few feet away from me. "I said follow us" says Aidan smiling, I smile and follow them. We enter a crowded hallway to hear chatter all around, red lockers surround us, slamming simultaneously. Zane loops his arm through mine and pulls me through the hallway to our next class. That's how it goes for the rest of the day until finally the last bell rings at last and I quickly walk out of my French class. Zane and Aidan are immediately at my sides asking if I wanna hangout, "well.... I'm busy today but sometime this week... Maybe" I smile. "Can I have your number" says Zane holding out his black iPhone, I hesitate but still put my number in. "I got to go.... Later" I wave and run out the front door or the school and begin my walk home.

"Today was not so bad" I think smiling to myself, this is good... This is what I need to forget the past. I start my walk home putting my headphones in I listen to falling in reverse, I hum along to the toon until I get outside my house and see my mom sitting on the front porch. "Hey" I inch closer to see old tears tracks on her face. "What the hell happened" I say already having knowledge of her next words, that son of a bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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