A Little Insight into my experience trying to become a Kpop Idol

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Tagged by heartmindandseoul

Lol just kidding I'm not gonna talk about my experience trying to become an idol

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Lol just kidding I'm not gonna talk about my experience trying to become an idol. I might talk about that soon though so...

1. I'm Chinese-Canadian

2. For some reason I always get shipped with Busan guys as of recently XD *cough cough* Park Jimin, Kang Daniel *cough cough*

3. I'm Christian. I feel like I need to rebuild my relationship with God as of late.

4. I believe in abstinence until marriage but that's just me

5. I hate it when people talk about politics

6. I'm actually scared of alcohol

7. Before being a Kpop fan I was a Directioner (Yeah, yeah, come at me)

8. My favourite flavour of chips is Salt and Vinegar

9. Lately I sometimes speak in a British accent even though I've never been to the UK

10. I like to sing. I don't think I am a bad singer, but I think I have a lot of room for improvement

11. I was disappointed when Samuel and Jonghyun didn't make Wanna One, but I thought it went too far when fans made a petition to try and get them added, like, what happened happened and Wanna One is perfect as is

12. I used to hate the song "My Heart Will Go On" but now I love it

13. I have only ever had one pet (RIP Pokey the Fish)

I tag (sorry if u didn't want to)

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