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Can a mother be called a mother if they forbid you of being one yourself? Forbid you by murder? Who can you call trustworthy?

You stood in the middle of an isle at the grocery store and stared at a jar of jam as your thoughts buried deeply into the words your mother said. She's unforgivable. No ones words would remain as marked in your brain as your own mothers, forcing you to rid a child of existence. You rid her existence instead, for the sake of your own. Nothing else mattered anymore, nothing but you and the baby...except Jimin. He mattered. Which is why you had to let him know.

You finished your grocery shopping and headed home to cook dinner but not before stopping at a pharmacy and choosing carefully through many bottles and choices of prenatal pills. Doing such a simple buy made you kind of excited for what was to come. A lovely baby was on the way, and you were already becoming stronger for them. Now you headed home and with a heart full of determination.

You went inside and checked your phone. You saw a message from Jimin, "good morning cutie! We get to move in to our new apartment next week. I took the week off so we can do all that. Maybe we can slip some time for us between there too 💐 I was thinking of buying a popcorn machine!!!!." You smiled at his reply and replied, "HELL YES!! I'm ready! I can't wait 😭." You set your phone down and began cleaning the house in attempt to drown out the thoughts of earlier arguments.

You began cooking dinner at the time Jimin got out of work. "He should be heading home," you said to yourself and quickly hid your prenatal pills. You just wanted to be the one to tell him instead of him finding out another way. As you turned down the heat on the meal you were cooking, You heard Jimin's keys rattle outside and you felt as nervous as always whenever he comes into the picture. He stepped in and immediately inhaled deeply, "ahhh I love you," he said, smelling the cooking dinner. You laughed and went to greet him, "welcome home! I love you too Jimin. Dinner is gonna be ready in like half an hour." He nodded and kissed your forehead as he began taking his coat off.

Once dinner was ready you both sat at the dinner table, he told you a lot of stories about work and how annoying but cool it could be. You listened and smiled, commenting here and there. "Hey babe, what happened earlier when I was gone?" he asked. You were taken by surprise at the question, "nothing important. I just went grocery shopping," you said as you avoided his eyes but glanced at him as you ate. "Ben told me what happened. He said he and his friends were heading out and your mom was pulling you. He said you were crying and begging for her not to force you into something. What did she tell you?" she asked. His light and happy tone became slightly angry and serious. He hated people who tried manipulating you and he hated those who made you cry.

You took a sip of your drink slowly, thinking of a way to tell him the truth. "Don't lie," he begged but you had no intention to. "I'll tell you, but please please listen to everything I have to say before you say anything or before you walk away," you said, a worried expression taking over. He suddenly felt so lost. What could you have done that would make him walk away from you? He nodded, "okay. Tell me."

You looked up and let out a sigh as you organized your thoughts. Everything you did made him nervous and anxious of what you would say. "A couple of weeks ago I told you I loved you. I meant it. I went through a lot of emotions that day and I ended up giving you all I could. I gave into you and although my mind was everywhere that day, my emotions toward you have been consistent," you said. Jimin nodded quickly, "yes. And I took you and I gave you all of me too. I didn't use you. I really fell in love with you and you giving me all of you was so beautiful to me-" he said, but you interrupted him. It broke your heart to see him speak so desperately as if he had done something wrong. You bit your lip, hiding your tears but your eyes watered so much. That made him more anxious and afraid to have hurt you in some way.

He moved his seat closer to you, wondering what he did wrong but you stopped him and continued talking, "we- gave into each other and I don't want to say that it was a mistake because I don't feel like it was. However, we both missed something. It was a slip that to me is an incredibly huge blessing now. And I just want to let you know that whatever happens after I tell you know, I will accept. It will hurt if you choose what I think you might, but I won't pursue you. This is the reason why my mother came here. It's the reason why she called me despicable and no longer wants anything to do with me. When we went to the doctors I found out I was pregnant.....I'm sorry if this is a bad thing to you, but I won't get rid of it. My mom tried forcing me to kill it, but I can't Jimin," you said, sniffing and speaking with a shaky voice, still strong enough to not let yourself cry.

Jimin stared at you as if he was frozen. His eyes only followed yours and he said nothing. You hated it. You had feared this the most. He got up and turned around, placed his hands on his head and sighed. He rubbed his eyes and tilted his head up to the ceiling. You spoke before he did, "you don't have to stay with me Jimin. I'll leave tomorrow. I can do this on my own. I just hoped you'd realize we both created this baby equally," you said, rubbing the threatening tears away. Jimin quickly turned around and said, "did you really think I would be the type to do that to you?! I'm just- I can't believe your mother would've told you to do that and I had no clue. I swear I wouldn't have let her touch you. But I'm so so happy you refused and I'm sorry I wasn't here to back you up.....I'm sorry I did this to you. I-i-...i should've used protection. I'm so stupid.... I want to watch your tummy grow! I want to be a  good father. (Y/n)... we'll be a perfectly beautiful family! I can't believe you're pregnant. I'm-" he had knelt down to grab your hand at the end of the table, but you saw how he let his head fall and his shoulders rose up and down in tears.

You placed a hand on his back to comfort him as your throat closed up in tears again but that only lead for him to move closer and wrap his arms around your waist as you sat on the chair and he knelt on the ground. You heard his whimpers and sniffles as he gently pressed his head onto your tummy. "I'm so sorry you've been going through this alone. I'm sorry baby," he said to you and then to the little bean inside you. He kissed your tummy and cried quietly with happiness. You sniffled too, but caressed his hair like always. "Jagiya, you're already the best mother in the world. Dont think you aren't. I'm so glad you're my girlfriend. And now we have a baby.. a baby...a BABY-" he said before crying again. He just felt so lucky and was even kind of glad you both hadn't used protection as bad as that sounds. That only proved to him your sensitivity and love over all the fear and cruelty against you. You were nothing but a blessing to him and now you were bringing him more to be thankful for.

"How far along are you?" He asked as he looked at you with already swollen eyes. He looked so adorable asking such an innocent question with tear stained, swollen eyes and red cheeks. "Almost three weeks," you said as you wiped the tears away from his cheeks. To your surprise, he gasped, "two weeks? It's so....small," he said, crying into your lap. He was so pure, crying over something smaller than a grain of rice.

The night was full of happiness and careful kisses to you, bolts of happiness as he pictured scenes of you and your belly growing. He didn't stop commenting on how excited he was and how he asked so many questions. "at one month is it as big as this?" he asked as he held up an egg he had pulled out from the fridge. You laughed, "no that's way big!"

Cleaning after dinner involved his usual singing with you except he bent down and sang to the baby too, causing giggles to flow out of both of you. This was beautiful. This is what you desired and he stayed. He stayed to love you and the baby unconditionally. Is it possible to fall harder for Park Jimin? Yes, it definitely is.

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