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This will be my second oneshot and if you like this better than the first then comment if yes you do like this and if no you don't like it and I'll divide it up and if there's more yes than no then I'll do a part 2 but but if there's more no than yes then I'll leave how it is but for now enjoy :)

Bayley who even though is with Aaron Solow , has feelings for her own best friend Seth Rollins and while Seth Rollins is just getting off from a relationship and doesn't want to date at the moment



Seth : man I'm so ready for tonight making the crowd wild

Seth warms up and until he sees his best friend Bayley

Seth : hey Bayley what's up ?

Bayley : not much

Bayley gets close to Seth

Seth : well I need to get ready for Raw tonight , so we can chat later

Bayley : but Seth

Seth : please I mean it

Bayley : okay fine

Bayley walks away with a face of sadness

Seth : damn I really shouldn't be quite harsh to her

Seth yells at Bayley


Bayley walks fast back to Seth

Bayley : yeah ?

Seth : sorry if I'm being harsh to you it's just that I've just gone through a breakup and a loss in the family

Bayley hugs Seth

Bayley : I'm sorry to hear that know that I'm here for you

Seth : thanks it's nice to hear it from someone who's always smiling and making people happy all of the time

Bayley : I guess I should be called ms smiley

Seth : I guess so

Bayley : let's talk  somewhere else private

Seth : umm okay ?

Seth with a face of confusion and so he follows Bayley

Unused Locker Room

Both of them sit down on a couch

Seth : well did you want to talk about ?

Bayley gets close to Seth and Seth moves back

Bayley : what I been thinking about lately is that I have feelings for you

Seth : uhh what ? Aren't you with Aaron though ?

Bayley : well yeah but he's not a wrestler unlike you and not a champ

Seth Rollins & Bayley oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now