Saturday August 5th

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~How has everyone been?~

Hey guys! How has life been treating you fabulous people?! Recently (July 31st) I saw Queen+Adam Lambert! It was the best concert I've ever been to. And I've been to a LOT of concerts (Paul McCartney, Guns N' Roses, Def Leppard, Tesla, Kix, Dokken, Poison, etc etc). The effects were seriously so awesome. I've never been to a show were the singer rides a bicycle around the stage while singing. I used to think badly of Lambert without completely getting to hear/ know him. But after the concert I was completely in LOVE! Also, to be in the same room as Brian May and Rog Taylor was the best experience I could ever ask for. I'm going to upload some pictures (and videos to maybe😉) from the concert. If any of you guys have seen Queen+Lambert , what did you think?

School starts for me soonish. I'm pretty excited because I'm going to a school for arts which is pretty rad. When do you guys start school? I got all my school supplies like last months because I was so excited 😂 Maybe  I'll upload photos of some of the stuff I bought😝
That's pretty much all I have to say right now lol. I'm going to put a few questions below that y'all can reply and converse (or whatever😂) about.

~ Have you seen Queen+Adam Lambert live?

~ What's your favourite Queen song?

~ Do you play any instruments?

Any hobbies?

~ What are your favourite movies?

~ What are your favourite TV shows?

xoxo Jamie💘

(a cute picture spam of Deaks for your enjoyment 🌝)

(a cute picture spam of Deaks for your enjoyment 🌝)

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