My Hero

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I groaned. "ugh shutup please!" and I smacked my alarm clock. "finally!" no sound yessss! *knock* "Macy you have to get up for school!" My mom said. "5 more minutes?!" I said. "Fine" she said back.

----5 mins. later----

"Okay it's been five minutes now get up!" my mom said. "okay okay!" I said back. I got up. went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and hair. went pee. then I changed into some clothes and put on my regular makeup. which is eyeliner and mascara. after that I went to go make my lunch. "Do I have to go to school?" I asked. "yes!" my mom said back. I groaned. I don't wanna go it's not like people will notice if I don't show up! it was time to go so I got into my moms car and she dropped me off. I walk home, since she gets out of work at 6 and I get out of school at 3:30. I got out the car and started walking towards the school. "Hahaha guess who came to school!" Bridget said. oh by the way she's one of my bullies! :)... "hahah it's fat Macy!" her "click" said and shoved me into the door. "leave me alone please" I said trying to walk faster. I felt a strong tug at my backpack and I fell backwards. "wow you're so weak!" Bridget said. and her "click" started kicking me. usually teachers don't notice since our school is pretty small and is crowded with people. I got up and brushed my self off. I went to my locker and put all my books in there. I went into my class and took my seat. "Hello Class! I didn't have my Starbucks today so I'm not in a good mood" our teacher said. "SOMEBODY GET HER A COFFEE PLEASE!" this random person shouted out. i laughed. so while the teacher was teaching I was drawing in my notebook. I'm not good at drawing it just keeps me occupied and it looks like I'm writing down what my teacher is saying so it works pretty well. "So Macy what's the answer?" my teacher said. "huh?" I said. "what's the answer to number 5 in your textbook?" I looked down at my textbook. 5)what religion is Buddah in? "um Buddism?" I said "correct" my teacher said giving me a dirty look. "she's so stupid" I heard a girl whisper. I sighed. "god I hate school so much" I mumbled to my self. "What was that Ms.Macy?" my teacher said. "oh um nothing" I said. "mhm share it out to the class." she said. "no thanks" I said back. "She's too scared! what a loser" Bridget said out to the class. the whole class laughed. the teacher smirked at me evilly.

----few more classes passed by---

Finally lunch! food!!! and I get to see my friends! I sat at the table where me and my friends usually sit. "hey!" one of my friends said. "hiiiii" I said. then more of my friends came like 5 of them and we started talking. All of a sudden Bridget comes up to me. "oh hello Macy ..or should I say fat Macy look at what she's eating!" Bridget shouted to the whole cafeteria. Everyone started laughing expect a few people. like my friends. "hahaha if you love food so much why don't you take mine!" Bridget said and threw her lunch tray at me. I gasped.I was covered in food. "hahaha oops!" Bridget said and walked away. I ran to the girls bathroom. I heard my friends follow. I started crying in one of the stalls. "MACY Macy!" one of my friends said. then some of them started banging on the stall. "you're not fat don't listen to her!" "yea don't listen to her" "she's full of lies" I hear them saying. "thanks guys but i know she's right I mean look at me for god sake!" I said coming out of the stall. "it's not true! Now come on and let's get you cleaned up!" they said. after all that we still had a few more classes left. I hated the rest of it. when we were finally free I started walking home. "hahaha look who it is!" I heard Bridget say. "hey isn't that Fat Macy?" one of her friends said. I started walking faster to get home quicker. "hey where you going fatty? you can't outrun us your to fat!" Bridget said. and then they were walking right next to me. "hahaha see I told you!" she said. then she tripped me. I fell. then they all started kicking and jumping on me. they finished after let's say about 20 mins. I then ran home. I was crying. I am a loser! I went to the bathroom and looked at myself on the mirror. I am fat! oh god! their right! I was crying even harder now. I decided to starve myself and to take a shower. when I got out I looked at myself again and started crying. why am I so ugly and fat! I hate being me! I wanna be a pretty girl and perfect girl I wanna have a flat stomach! then I got a flash back of all the things they called me I was sobbing by now. I grabbed a blade and slit it across my wrist. I made small cuts. after I cleaned it up so my mom wouldn't suspect a thing and I hid my cuts my wearing long sweaters and bracelets. I did my homework. and I skipped eating. so I could get skinner of course! anyway I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep. I put in my headphones and listened to my music while crying myself to sleep. ugh and I have to go back tommorow.....

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