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James Potter, Gryffindor, 16, Sixth Year

Annabelle Potter, Gryffindor, 14/15, Fifth year 

Sirius Black, Gryffindor, 16, Sixth Year

Gemini Black, Gryffindor, 15, Fifth Year

Regulus Black, Slytherin, 15, Fifth Year

Bellatrix Black, Slytherin, 18, Graduated

Narcissa Black, Slytherin 17, Seventh Year

Andromeda Black, Slytherin, 16, Sixth Year 

Remus Lupin, Gryffindor, 16, Sixth Year

Peter Pettigrew, Gryffindor, 16, Sixth Year

Tinkerbelle Pettigrew, Gryffindor, 15, fifth Year

Lily Evans, Gryffindor, 16, sixth year

Antonio Evans, Hufflepuff, 17, Seventh Year

Marlene Mckinnon, Gryffindor, 16, sixth year

Emmiline Vance, Gryffindor, 16, sixth year, 

Mary McDonald, Gryffindor, 16, Sixth year

Alice lightwood, Gryffindor, 16, Sixth year

Melbourne Lightwood, Ravenclaw, 15, Fifth year 

Frank Longbottom, Gryffindor, 16, sixth year, 

Severus Snape, Slytherin, 16, sixth year

Alexia Snape, Hufflepuff, 15, fifth year

Barty Crouch, Slytherin, 15, fifth year

Lucious Malfoy, Slytherin, 17, seventh year

Evan Rosier, Slytherin, 17, Seventh year

Florence Smith, Hufflepuff, 17,  seventh year, 

Jessica Adams, Ravenclaw, 15, fifth year

Sarah Adams, Ravenclaw, 16, sixth year

Ted Tonks, Ravenclaw, 16, sixth year 


James Potter and Lily Evans (Jilly/Lames) 

Annabelle Potter and Gemini Black (Anini/GemiBelle) 

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (Wolfstar/Semus/Ririus) 

Regulus Black and Barty Crouch Jr (Rarty/Begulus) 

Narcissa Black and Lucious Malfoy (Nicious/Larcissa) 

Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks (Tedromeda/Aned/Tack) 

Peter Pettigrew and Mary McKinnon (Meter/Pary)

Tinkerbelle Pettigrew and Melbourne Lightwood (Telbourne/Melbelle)

Antonio Evans and Florence Smith (Flortonio/Alorence) 

Alice lightwood and Frank Longbottom (Falice/Alrank) 

Alexia Snape and Jessica Adams (Alessica/Jelexia) 


James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew (And Frank Longbottom)

Annabelle Potter, Gemini Black, Tinkerbelle Pettigrew, Melbourne lightwood, Alexia Snape, Jessica Adams (And regulus Black) 

Lily Evans, Emmeline Vance, Alice Lightwood, Marlene McKinnon, Sarah Adams, (and Antonio Evans) 

Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black, Lucious Black, Severus Snape, Evan Rosier, 

Regulus Black and Barty Crouch 


James Potter = Chaser_Prongs

Annabelle Potter = Smooth.Criminal.Annie

Sirius Black = Siriusly_Trouble

Gemini Black = Gem.In.Me

Regulus Black = Reguluset 

Bellatrix Black = Bellatrix_Black

Narcissa Black = Narcissa_Black

Andromeda Black = Andy_Me 

Remus Lupin = Werewolf_McWerewolf

Peter Pettigrew = Peter.Pan 

Tinkerbelle Pettigrew = Fairy_Girl

Lily Evans = Lily.Lion

Antonio Evans = Ant.Evans

Marlene Mckinnon = Mars.90.Chick

Emmiline Vance = Emmi.Vance

Mary McDonald = Mary.Mc.Chips

Alice lightwood = Aly_Ice 

Melbourne Lightwood = Mel.B.L

Frank Longbottom = Frank.L.B

Severus Snape = Severus.Prince

Alexia Snape = Alex.Princess

Barty Crouch = Barty.Couch

Lucious Malfoy = Lucious.Malfoy

Evan Rosier =Rpsier.E

Florence Smith = Florence.S

Jessica Adams = Jessi.Girl

Sarah Adams = Scare_Bear

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