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Dear Naive Past Self

You are young and surely never have an idea what this true world is.Naive and Carefree as usual.

I want you write a letter for long, wish I had written it 6 years ago.

But it's not too late.I want you to aware of this before you fall for it.I know how you cherish this type of things. But what I'm going to say you, are some stuffs which I should have done which I should have done 6 years ago.I wanted you to not hurt yourself too.

Love Stories.

When we think about this word, a vivid picture of two persons meeting each other, coming close to each other, developing feelings. Last not the least they were married and lived happily ever after.

But life hasn't planned a fairy tale having happy ending for all of us. Some love stories never have a happy ending. Some stories never got a chance to be told. Some stories are hidden in our hearts.

We all do have a love story.Some got love in return but some got heartbroken in return. Some of us complete our stories, some stories are left incomplete.

Love stories can't be called love stories without the word love.

I've been always wandering with a bunch of unsolved questions to get the satisfied answers. Love is one of them.

What is love?

Some say 'love is blind.'. 'Love is waste of time.' 'Love is heaven.' 'love is pure'. etc

According to me, "Love is a pure feeling, which origins from heart of an individual for a fellow being despite the differences in races and appearance etc. It can make you up and break you down. It can be your strength or weakness. We are loved by many people but only a few love us the way we really are.

True love is something like a diamond in rough. Rare to find and easy to lose."

There are people who are meant for each other but still not together. There are still some people left who fell in love with a person and keeping loving that particular person for eternity. But unfortunately, this type of love is rare, once a blue moon.

There are some love stories where the feelings of either of two people are not mutual, they are called one-sided love stories, and their love is called one-sided love.

There are some one-sided love stories in which love is confessed but feelings are not returned. One person is love with another but feelings are not returned.They still continue to love them for eternity. Such loves are true and pure but alas! Their feelings are not returned.

"Life has now taught me that love for things, like all unrequited love, takes its toll in the long run." Adolfo Bioy Casares

Unrequited love always hurts. It was one of the best and worst feeling in the world,according to me.Loving one in secret has its own pleasure but hurts more than anything.

Loving someone is one of the most vulnerable positions in which you can be. You open your heart to another person and your best wish is for him or her to love you in return.

Unfortunately, life is not a Nicholas Sparks movie; love isn't always reciprocated, and it doesn't always end in a happily ever after.

Sometimes, love isn't a feeling you force upon yourself; it just happens.

When you start spending time with them,you grow closer and share your interests and literally you expose yourself.Your flaws, your dears, your likes and many more things you share with them.

And you, in return, divulge your deepest secrets and desires. They know what it takes to make you laugh or feel special, and you build new memories together that make any torment of the past that much easier to bear. It makes you feel hopeful, and before you know it, you're in love.

We all have some hidden chapters of our life which have never been told to anyone. When we share these stories, we show the first sign of trust and believe on them.

When you realize how much you adore this person and what you would do to move mountains for him.But when I think of confessing my hands start trembling. I was afraid to tell about my feelings. Fear to be heartbroken.Fear to broke of the friendship which I've between us.

Starts to live next years of my life heartbroken and hiding deep scars and wounds hidden. Doubting each and every day of my life thinking can I get over this, will it get better, will my feelings will be returned by him. In agony, I started forgetting who am I really?

But I always remembered God does everything for our own good.

Dark clouds are not forever, sun will shine in your life again. You will smile again. God can never see his children heartbroken and sad. He will do something to make them happy.

Never fall into depression. It's a pitch of darkness where you lost your way, you forgot your reason of living life It sucks.

Remember we can't have rainbow without a little rain and storm. Dance in rain and storm gracefully.Give life million reasons to smile when life gives a reason to broke down and be sad.

Always believe in God.He will guide to the right path.

Don't regret loving anyone because sometimes they teach us the important things that we can't learn from books and stories but from them and life.

The truth is, he will never understand. He will never understand how happy you could have made him or how it feels to be loved by you. And that, in the end, is the saddest, most painful part of it all.

He have lost a person who could have love him more than anything.

Life means moving forward. Keep moving forward to see a brighter tomorrow than a dark past and present.


Your future Self

Just a piece of writing that I wrote from my personal experience. Life is all about get up and moving on and past is never a good place to stay but a place to visit.

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