Transformers prime and ghost rider

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As I woke up I found myself staring at a metal wall and as i tryed to get up I failed as I realised that I am chained to the wall “well well well it seems that you have finally woken up jack” megatron said as he started to get up from his throne and as I watched him get up I could hear a voice in my mind telling me to free him “Megatron if you know what is good for you then you will free me and let me leave or I am going to have to hurt you” I growled when megatron heard this he started laughing “as if you could hurt me I am stronger and more powerful than you” he said “just know that I gave you a warning, now it’s time to free vengeance" I growled.
As jack pulled himself up he started to laugh like a mad man and what megatron saw next shocked him to his spark, smoke started to come of jacks body and his flesh started to burn away in under a minute jack had a long black jacket on he was also wearing black leather jeans and black combat boots all his face was on fire and he had no skin, his skull was pure white with pure orange flames coming of it, his hands also like his head had no skin on them and they were also on fire at this moment in time megatron stumbled back as jack let out an unearthly roar and then he pulled on the chains that were holding him to the wall and they broke off of jacks arms and jack then pulled the chains out of the wall and as jack held them they caught a flame but before jack could attack megatron a hole in the floor where jack was standing appeared and jack fell out of the bottom of the war ship and was now in free fall, as jack looked down he could see the ground be low him getting closer he started spinning the metal chain above his head and it acted like a helicopter. Jack landed safely on the ground and then looked up at the war ship which was now moving away from him soon jack could feel himself falling asleep and as he turned back to normal, he pulled out his cell phone and he messaged Arcee to come get him and when he sent the text he fell on to the ground fast asleep.
When jack awoke he was in the autobot base he was laying on a huge metal berth/bed in Arcee quarters and as jack started to get up he heard the door open, standing in the door way was his partner and guardian she smiled when she saw jack get up “take it easy jack you have been a sleep for 5 days now” she said slowly coming over to him and forcing him to lay back down “5 days at least it wasn’t a week like before” he stated rubbing the back of his head, Arcee was about to say something when the alarm went as soon as she heard it she got up and ran down the hall. Jack knew what this alarm was it only went off when the base was under attack jack got off the bed and started to run down the hall but came to a full stop when he heard Arcee scream in pain.
As jack ran around the corner his eyes snapped on to megatron who was holding Arcee against a wall but when megatron saw jack he quickly dropped Arcee and backed up slowly, at this moment in time Arcee had not noticed jack come in but when she followed megatron’s gaze she was shocked as jack walked in to the room everyone looked at him “no stay away from me you creature” megatron panicked still backing up “jack?” arcee stated but all she got for an answer was an unearthly roar and once again jack had no skin and he was on fire some how jack still had the metal chain “WHAT ARE YOU!” megatron asked “I am the Ghost Rider and I will send you to hell and every single decepticon”  and jack swung the metal chain which once again was on fire above his head and with one great swoop megatron head came clean off and fell to the ground and as it hit the floor all the cons ran out of the base and jack fell asleep.
When jack woke up he was on the couch in the human area in the autobot base “jack are you ok? What was that?” octimus prime asked “yes I am okay and that was the ghost rider” jack said with a calm face “and what is the ghost rider then jack and how did you come to be the ghost rider” Ratchet asked as he walked into the med room jack started to move on the couch into a sitting position “well the ghost rider is the devils bounty hunter anyone who escapes hell the ghost rider hunts them down and sends them back to hell by destroying them and how I came to be the ghost rider well I made a deal with the devil he said he would give me anything I wanted but in return I must give my soul so I decided to accept the deal” jack said feeling kind of awkward “jack what was it you got in return?” Arcee said who was by his side “the deal for my soul was to have something incredible happen that would change my life forever then the next day I finish work and I saw you for the first time that was the day I discovered that you lot exist” jack said as he started to blush, Arcee was about to say something when jack looked passed everyone and when his eyes widen octimus turned round and saw what jack was looking at, their standing right behind everyone staring at jack was a old man who was wear a black suit and he had a walking stick with a crystal skull on top of it, everyone else turned to see what jack was staring at they all were shocked “well jack it appears that I need you to hunt someone down for me” the devil said while he looked at the group “and who do I need to hunt down” jack said as he got up from the couch “I do believe you once knew him” the devil said with a smirk on his face “who?” asked jack with a confused look on his face “his name is James Darby your father” the devil said and as he said that everyone turned to look at jack who was looking at the devil with a angry glare “no I will not hunt down him”  jack growled at the devil “you have no choice but to make sure you don’t’ resist the ghost rider once your father is back in hell I will release your soul you will no longer be the ghost rider” the devil said calmly “what I fought I had to be the ghost rider for all time?” jack said happily “no I will release your soul and allow you to keep your friends if you destroy you father and send him back to hell” the devil said “is there anything you can do to help me destroy him?” jack asked and the devil simply looked at Arcee for a moment then looked back at jack “there is one thing I can give you” the devil said as a low rider motorbike appeared next to him “wait jack doesn’t need that he has me” Arcee said “yes jack does have you but this bike has always been used by the ghost riders before him when jack changes and he steps on to the bike or is all ready on it then the bike will change into the devil bike a powerful machine which depending on who rides it can: go faster than light, blow up buildings, turn hard tar back into liquid tar and can disappear and reappear” said the devil whiles smiling "anything else? " jack asked but the devil just vanished into the wall and as soon as the devil was gone jack went over to the bike and then turned the engine on and drove out of the base and when he left everyone turned to octimus like he would know what to do.
Jack drove down the highway when he started to feel the ghost rider asking him to let him out and without any thought the rider was released and the bike transformed into the devil bike and the rider (short for the ghost rider because it was too long to put in every time) drove down the road and as he went along a bright set of head lights came out of nowhere right behind the rider as he turned he saw that it was a large rig that had a spitting resembles to octimus but this truck's colour was all rusty and as the truck got closer to the rider the truck slammed in to back of the bike causing it to crash, the rider was sent skidding on the highway and as the truck came to a halt it transformed into a huge mech who looked like octimus prime but the rider knew that this was not the real octimus because the rider could not feel a soul in the mech.
As the mech closed down on the bike that this mech must have thought that it was Arcee the rider got to his feet and looked at the back of the mech "hey dirt bag!" The rider said and as soon as the mech heard him the mech turned to face the rider but he was knocked right off his feet as a metal chain which was on fire hit the mech right in the torso before the mech could do anything the rider swung his chain taking the mech's head clean off and sparks came from where the head once was attached.
As the rider camly walked back over to the bike he heard the sound of a helicopter and as the rider turned around the chopper landed and then right as the copper landed someone jumped out and walked over to the rider "well well well I am in pressed by your skill who are you?" Asked the leader of M.E.C.H know as Silas asked "I am the Ghost rider and you are Silas the leader of MECH" the rider said looking angry "and how do you know who we are?" asked Silas but as Silas said that he was punched in the face by the rider "that was for harming my partner Arcee" exclaimed the rider with anger and power in his voiceas Silas staggered back into the door of the chopper, "wait what do you mean your partner Jackson Darby is her partner... no impossible jack how did you become this?" Asked Silas who was starting to panic with fear "no I will not explain myself to you and now it's time for you to die" growled jack and he raised his chain and brought it down over Silas head and jack simply watched the head roll to a halt then jack got back on his bike and rode of to find and hunt down his father.
As the rider was heading down the highway he could feel a strange pain coming from his heart and the rider knew what this pain was it the pain of sadness and grief, just before the rider entered Jasper the rider drove off the highway and onto the rocky landscape that surrounds Jasper and then he stop and looked around to find his partner Arcee driving towards him she was in her alt mode "what do you want?" The rider asked as he climbed of his ride which disappeared in a explosion of black smoke "jack or ghost rider, I don't know who I am talking to but I would like to help you" Arcee said as she transformed into her figure mode "and how could you help me?" Asked the rider as he walked slowly towards Arcee "I am an expert at hunting people down and I really want to help jack since I now know you aren't him" she said as she bent down to look the rider right in the eyes but he quickly turned around so she could not look at him and as he did this Arcee noticed the flames coming off the rider's skull went from Orange to a dark blue "don't look at me Arcee I'm a monster and you must never look at me in the eyes when I am like this I could destroy you" the rider said as he stared at the sun as it was setting "why?" Asked Arcee but before he could tell her why they both heard a familiar voice "because his eyes are his most powerful weapon he has the same weapon he will destroy his father" the devil said as he walked up to two who turned to look at him "listen all of you that includes you jack if your father is not back in hell by the morning then you will not be freed of the ghost rider, know I don't normally allow this but Arcee will help you track down jacks father but under one condition that Arcee will become the ghost rider's assistant and will have the same abilities as the ghost rider" snarled the devil and as soon as the devil said that the rider became jack again "no Arcee you cannot do this you don't know what you must do to become my assistant I do" jack said with fear in his voice "what must I do?" Asked Arcee "you must embrace the ghost rider you must become the one the rider uses as his host body's partner" said the devil whiles he smiled at jack "but I am already jacks partner" Arcee said looking at jack with confusion "yes but you must become partners for life you must become jacks lover and you must vow never to leave him for someone else you must spend eternity together because if you agree then both of you will live forever not able to be killed and you never will age, Arcee do you agree to these terms?" Asked the devil while looking at her and jack "Arcee don't" was all jack could say before she looked at him then back at the devil and nodded "then by the power of hell and the Lord of the dead I now pronounce you both for the first time in 150000 years 'ghost love riders' and now you will be free from death and ageing and now even if you destroy your father jack and I realise you both of the ghost rider you will still live for all time" the devil said right before he vanished in a explosion of black smoke and before jack could say anything the riders took control of jack and Arcee and they raced off to find their pray.
(One hour later)
The two riders sensed the present of jacks father coming from a building and they both went inside their on the floor with his back to the wall was James Darby and the rider got off his bike and walked over to his father when the rider reached him jack grabbed his father lifting him to jacks height and made him look into his eyes and a moment later his father's body became limp and when the rider let go his father's body fell to the ground and vanished in black smoke.
As the two riders walked out of the building they were hit by a surge of tremendous pain and soon they both returned to normal they were free of the ghost riders.
(1 week later)
Jack looked around the base to find that no one was there not even Ratchet, suddenly as jack walked passed the energon store room he heard a strange little buzzing noise come from the room so jack open the door and entered, the room was filled with giant boxes of energon but as jack was walking out of the room he turned to see a faint purple light behind some of the boxes and as jack walked around to see what# the light was he stumbled back, there right in front of jack was a small shard of dark energon and as jack got closer to the shard it started to glow brighter and with out thinking jack picked up the shard and slammed it into his chest were his heart was and as the shard slowly vanished into jack chest he heard the ground bridge open up and he heard Arcee talking to someone so jack decided to go and see who she was talking to.
As jack entered the main room his eyes widened there standing right next to Arcee was a red mech with horns on his head, Arcee had not noticed jack standing there staring at the mech "ow cliff you really are back" Arcee said as she hugged the mech and when she pulled away her spark stopped for a moment she had finally noticed jack "jack? Are you ok?" Asked Arcee "so much for the choice you made you have already replaced me with him" jack said as he scowled at the mech and before Arcee could say anything jack turned around and left the room as he started to cry to himself "Arcee who was that"? Asked the mech "that Cliffjumper was my lover jack" Arcee said as she looked down the hall "well it did not take long for you to find someone who makes you happy" said Cliffjumper, Arcee did not answer him she just headed down the hall that jack had headed but when she found him he was on the floor crying "jack it is not what you think" Arcee said sitting down next to jack pulling him closer to her and when she saw him crying she became worried because jack never cried unless he was in pain "jack what's wrong are you in pain from seeing me and Cliffjumper?" Asked Arcee "no Arcee I am not in pain because of you-" jack was cut off as he screamed in pain and as soon as jack started to scream Arcee picked him up and raced down the halls towards Ratchets lab.
When Arcee reached the lab she banged on the door with her free arm "Ratchet! Something is wrong with jack" Arcee shouted at the door until it open to reveal a slightly worried Ratchet "bring him in now" he said as he pointed to where he wanted jack.
(30 minutes later)
The results of Ratchets scans came back but as he reads them his face became grim "BY THE ALLSPARK! jack has a dark energon shard in his heart" Ratchet said as he turned to Arcee who was right next to jack his hand in her servo (servo is the autobots and decepticon's hands) "but how is that possible where did jack get it from" asked Arcee her optics not leaving jack "there is only one place where jack could of got dark energon from, the shard that jack has in his body must be he same one that megatron had in his spark chamber but how has jack not perished?" Asked Ratchet, it had been a week since the devil had made jack and Arcee immortal and they had not told anyone "Ratchet urm... me and jack can't die, when the rider was using jacks body as a host I went after the rider so i could ask if I could help but before I found him I found the remains of a mech who looked a lot like octimus and then I saw a chopper and as I went around to the other side I found Silas with his head on the ground a few meters away from his body so I decided to forget what I had seen and I went after jack and when I found him the devil appeard and told me I could help jack but I would have to become his lover and that we would live forever and I agreed and we'll we found and killed jacks father and we were free of the rider's but we still must live forever" Arcee explained to Ratchet unaware that jack had come around and had sneaked out of the room and when both of them looked to where jack had been they started to look around the room but soon Arcee found a blood trail that leaded out of the room and as they both left they saw jack clutching his head as he screamed in pain but no noise came from jack and as they watched jack they heard a familiar laugh they turned around to see Cliffjumper who must of though that this was a joke.
As Arcee walked up to Cliffjumper she punched him in the torso "don't you dare laugh at jack, he is in pain and you think it's a joke" Arcee growled as she walked back over to jack who was now in Ratchets servo  and as he grabbed jacks chest he pulled the dark energon out and Arcee promised jack that once he was healed that they would leave and go and live in the country side.
The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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