Breakfast in Bed ☆ Canada x Reader Lemon ☆

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"Uh, (Y/N), are you still sleeping?" said Canada in a whisper. You slowly opened your eyes, greeted by two large, violet ones.

"Good morning, Matthew.." you said to him in a yawn.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I didn't mean to wake you." Canada blushed and look down at the ground. You chuckled a bit. You sat up in bed and stretched your arms, yawning while you stretched. Canada stood beside your bed, shifting from side to side. He was holding a tray with a plate of pancakes, fresh fruit, maple syrup, and orange juice.

"Well, since you're up, I, uh... I wanted you give you this." Canada said nervously. "I made you breakfast, I hope you don't mind..." Canada said with a blush as he held the tray in front of him. You smiled at him, took the tray from his hands, and placed it on your lap. The food he made looked delicious, the sight and smell of it made your mouth water.

"I don't mind at all, Matthew. I'm very gratful you made me breakfast. It looks delicious." you took a bite of the pancakes, and your eyes lit up. "It tastes delicious too!" Canada smiled hearing these words.

"Really? I'm glad you think so! Now eat up, breakfast is the most important mean of the day, after all!" Canada said with a smile as he sat down on the end of your bed.

You happily ate all of the food on the tray, your taste buds enjoying the flavour of the sweet maple syrup. There was something about Canada's pancakes and maple syrup, nothing tasted anything like them. He's so sweet, doing all of this for me. You thought quietly to yourself.

"Are you finished with everything? I can take the tray downstairs for you." Canada asked. He pampered you and treated you like a princess. Out of all the guys you had ever dated, none of them were even close to how sweet Canada was to you.

"Yes, I'm finished. The breakfast was lovely, thank you." you said with a smile. Canada took the tray from you with a light blush on his face, and hurried out of your room, taking the tray downstairs to the kitchen. He's treated me to something yummy this morning, so I think I'll treat him to something yummier. You thought to yourself with a smirk,

You jumped out of bed and ran to your dresser. You had just enough time to change into something more 'comfortable' before Canada returned to your bedroom to help you make your bed. This will make him go crazy! you thought to yourself as you slipped on sexy pink lingerie. You closed your bedroom door and jumped onto your bed, waiting for Canada to come back upstairs. A few minutes passed, and you heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

The doorknob began to turn. "(Y/N), are you ready to make your bed? Why was the door close-" Canada stopped dead in his tracks. He saw you laying on the bed, and his face turned bright red. "(Y/N) w-what are you wearing!? Please, p-put some clothes on!" stuttered Canada, looking away from you with an immense blush on his face. Even though you had been dating for two months, he was still shy around you, and you found it quite adorable.

You got off your bed and walked over to Canada, pressing your body against his. Canada swallowed hard, and tried to look away. "Matthew, you treated me to a delicious breakfast this morning. It's my turn to treat you" you said w to him with a smirk. You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your breasts closer against his body. Unable to resist himself, Canada grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into a kiss. Caught off guard by this, you began to kiss back. Your tounges mingled and danced while you explored each others caverns. You and Canada pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva formed between the two of you.

Canada picked you up and carried you over to the bed. He placed you down gently and crawled on top of you. His violet eyes looked into your (E/C) ones. He kissed you again, even more passionate than before. Canada began to blush.

Breakfast in Bed ☆ Canada x Reader Lemon ☆Where stories live. Discover now