Authors Note

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Book Summary

Meet Valerie Wilkinson.

She has brown hair and brown eyes. She's a senior at Richmond High. She goes through classes on a B average and is in both theater and lacrosse. She has two best friends, two parents, a brother and a sister, a dog, a cat, and three very nearly dead blue fish. She's had exactly two boyfriends—each of which relationships ended on mutual grounds—and she is currently happy coasting through life without the boy drama. Or any drama, except for drama that is.

Enter Duncan Smith.

He has dark brown hair—nearly black—and stormy gray eyes. He's also a senior at Richmond High. He's a baseball catcher, piano player, and artist. He has three best friends, and an older sister whose basically his step-in parent while trying to take online college courses and work as much as possible. He's has a girlfriend whose in guard, and so far his life is going great.

That's when a certain brown-haired brown-eyed girl spills her drink all over Kyle Lawrence—aka Duncan's best friend—at the first home football game of the year.

Which was one of the biggest—and possibly best—mistakes Valerie could have ever made.

As Valerie gets pushed, pulled, and thrown into the messy drama she was content to stay out of, and as Duncan's perfect and simple life suddenly gets a whole lot more complicated, somehow the pair finds themselves individually in each other and must decide whether or not what they have together is really....

Nothing Special, by booknerd0008

A Few Things To Note

1. This book is a completely original idea that came from me only. If it is in any way like another book that is completely coincidental. Do not steal my ideas, characters, or any of it.

2. I am still in high school, and therefore I have VERY little time to write a chapter or two every week and even still I am alternating between about five other works, one of which is a screenplay that ABSOLUTELY must have most of my focus. I'm writing this for fun, so it will not come even close to first in my priorities list, so I can't guarantee steady updates, especially if I see that very few are even reading this book. Sorry.

3. I am not perfect by any means, and like I said, I'm still in high school. So please don't get angry if I mess up, or write something you don't like. I have nothing against you personally, I swear, and I really am trying to write with as few errors as I can, but as Hannah Montana once sung, everybody makes mistakes.

While this book is clearly going to be about romance, I want to point out that I am no romantic. That's not to say I'm a cynic either, but that I'm simply not one of those who believes wholly in true love. If I'm going to be honest, I'd have to admit that I'm not quite sure there is such a thing as falling in love, or soulmates, or happily ever after. Scratch that. I know at least that last one does NOT exist. But that doesn't mean I don't dream of those things like any other romantic out there, cause I do. All the time. It's why I write incredibly cheesy, cliche romances, and why I read even cheesier and even more cliche romance novels. That is me dreaming, that's my escape from reality, from the harsh truth of real life, and like any other escape it's addictive. But in the end, all this hope of true love and happily ever after are really just dreams. And while it's probably long past time to wake up, I guess you could say I'm a heavy sleeper, and opening my eyes to reality really isn't in the cards for me right about now.
Anyways, this book is for you. For you, the person who dreams as much as I do and is as heavy a sleeper as I am. Just remember it's okay to dream—for where can you find hope if there isn't dreams—but eventually, you're going to have to wake up.

Okay, I think that's about it for now! I don't assign actors to my characters because I want my characters to be interpreted uniquely by everyone, so I won't be putting out a cast. Have fun and please, READ ON!

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